
This is a full-stack web application built using React, Node.js, Express, and MySQL. It provides user registration and login functionality, along with CRUD operations for managing student data.


  • User registration: Allows users to create an account with their email and password.
  • User login: Enables users to log in to their account using their registered credentials.
  • Authentication and session management: Utilizes session-based authentication to verify and authenticate user sessions.
  • CRUD operations: Provides Create, Read, Update, and Delete functionality for managing student records.
  • React components: Utilizes reusable React components to build the user interface.
  • Express server: Implements a server using Express.js to handle API requests and interact with the database.
  • MySQL database: Stores student records and user account information in a MySQL database.
  • SweetAlert: Integrates SweetAlert library to display attractive and user-friendly alert messages.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Bahri-Adem/Login-Register-CRUD-using-React-Node-Express-MySql.git