This repository contains the official implementation of Producing and Leveraging Online Map Uncertainty in Trajectory Prediction published in CVPR 2024 [Oral].
The unorganized version is available here. Please follow the rough_instructions.txt to explore the code. I will finish tidying it up after I complete my exams. Thank you for your support!
- Environment Setup
- Prepare Dataset
- Mapping Train and Eval
- Merge Map and Trajectory Dataset
- Trajectory Train and Eval
- Visualization
Mapping checkpoints are here. Trajectory prediction checkpoints are here.
- Visualization Code
- Code release
- MapTR
- MapTRv2
- StreamMapNet
- HiVT
- DenseTNT
- Initialization
If you found this repository useful, please consider citing our work:
author = {Gu, Xunjiang and Song, Guanyu and Gilitschenski, Igor and Pavone, Marco and Ivanovic, Boris},
title = {Producing and Leveraging Online Map Uncertainty in Trajectory Prediction},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2024}
This repository is licensed under Apache 2.0.