

廖雪峰Git教程: 入门和快速上手

Pro Git:适合有一定基础的同学。

merging vs rebasing

git recipes: :octocat: Git recipes in Chinese. 高质量的Git中文教程.

some git summary

Git Internals

Github Help

Git Workflow

Workflows with git-flow

A successful Git branching model

Comparing Workflows

git workflow tutorial

Git and Xcode

Versioning with Xcode and git: Using a script in your build phase, you can run a shell to determine the version number and inject this into the Info.plist of a build. It will never modify your local project, just the created build.

Xcode Git ignore

gitignore: 生成各种gitignore

gitignore: A collection of useful .gitignore templates

Git 命令快速查询

git config

$ git config --global alias.co checkout 
$ git config --global alias.br branch 
$ git config --global alias.ci commit 
$ git config --global alias.st status
$ git config --global alias.last 'log -1 HEAD'
$ git config --global alias.unstage 'reset HEAD --'
$ git config user.name "donganyuan"
$ git config user.email "donganyuan@baidu.com"
$ git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"

git commit

$ git commit -a -m "comment" //添加并提交
$ git commit --amend //修改上次commit, do not amend your last commit if you have already pushed it

git merge

$ git merge [branch name]

禁用fast forward merge
$ git merge --no-ff -m "comment" branch_name

git log

$ git log -p -2 //查看每次提交的diff
$ git log --stat // summary of the information
$ git log --pretty=oneline // prints each commit on a single line
$ git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" //Abbreviated commit hash - Author name, Author date : Subject
$ git log --since=2.weeks
$ git log --author=AnYuan
$ git log --grep=keywords
$ git log --oneline --decorate // show you where the branch pointers are pointing.
$ git log -S function_name // only show commits adding or removing code matching the string.

//this command shows you any commits in your current branch that are not in
//the master branch on your origin remote.
$ git log origin/master..HEAD

git remote

$ git remote -v
$ git remote add dev https://github.com/ddd/git
$ git remote show origin //inspecting a remote

git stash

$ git stash --保存未提交修改
$ git stash list --查看当前stash

$ git stash apply stash@{0}
$ git stash drop
$ git stash pop

git branch


$ git checkout -b dev //-b 表示创建并切换分支
$ git branch dev
$ git checkout dev

git branch //查看当前分支 *表示当前分支

$ git branch -d dev //删除dev分支
$ git branch -D dev //强制删除未merge分支

$ git branch -vv //to see what tracking branches you have set up

禁用fast forward merge
$ git merge --no-ff -m "comment" branch_name

//share branch
$ git push origin branch_name
//delete remote branch
$ git push origin --delete [branchname]


1.未add 修改文件时(工作区),撤销可以:
$ git checkout -- [filename] 把文件在工作区的修改全部撤销, 把这个文件会退到最近一次commit或add状态

$ git reset HEAD [filename]

$ git reset --hard HEAD^

git reflog

$ git reflog 记录每次命令

git diff

$ git diff //to see what you have changed but not yet staged
$ git diff --staged or cache // compares your staged changes to your last commit.

git reset

$ git reset --hard HEAD^ 回退到上一次commit
$ git reset --hard 3628164
//HEAD^^ 回退到上两个版本
//HEAD~100 回退到上100个版本

$ git reset --soft //update HEAD pointer
$ git reset --soft HEAD~ 等价于git commit --amend
$ git reset --mixed //default 参数,将commit的修改,放到stage区
$ git reset --hard //update working copy

$ git reset --soft HEAD~2

git rm

$ git rm [filename]

//keep the file in your working tree but remove it from your staging area.
$ git rm --cached filename

git tag

$ git tag v1.0
$ git tag v0.9 commit-id
$ git tag -a v0.1 -m "version 0.1 released" commit-id
$ git push origin v1.0 //推送标签到远程服务器
$ git push origin --tags //一次性推送全部尚未推送到远程的本地标签

$ git tag -d v0.9
$ git push origin :refs/tags/v0.9

git grep will look through the files in your working directory. you can search through any tree in Git, not just the working directory.

// print out the line numbers where Git has found matches.
$ git grep -n/--line-number

// summarize the output by showing you only which files contained 
// the search string and how many matches there were in each file
$ git grep -c/--count

// display the enclosing method or function for each matching
// string with either of the -p or --show-function options
$ git grep -p self.window

// ensures that multiple matches must occur in the same linie of text.
$ git grep --break --heading \
-n -e '#define' --and \( -e LINK -e BUF_MAX\) v1.8.0

git bisect use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug.

$ git bisect start
// Current version is bad
git bisect bad

// v2.6.13-rc2 is known to be good
$ git bisect good v2.6.13-rc2

Once you have specified at least one bad and one good commit, git bisect selects a commit in the middle of that range of history, checks it out.

You sholud now compile the checked-out version and test it. If that version works correctly, type

$ git bisect good

If that version is broken type

$ git bisect bad


$ git bisect reset

Squash all commits related to a single issue into a single commit

$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 // To squash four commits into one
// commit, then change 'pick' -> 'squash' next to the commmits you want to squash
$ git submodule add [url]
$ git submodule init // cloning a project with submodules
$ git submodule update --remote --merge // fetch all the data from subproject
$ git submodule foreach 'git stash' // run arbitrary command in each submodule