
BLAHAJGang's custom-made pride Discord bot that reacts to pride-related messages with pride emojis!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



BLAHAJGang's custom-made pride Discord bot that reacts to pride-related messages with pride emojis, as well as some other Blahaj-tastic Easter eggs!

Add to Server

Note: BLAHAJGang-specific emojis will not work unless those emojis are also included in the server and have the same names.

Click here to invite the bot!

Run It Yourself

Note: You will need a .env file with TOKEN={bot_token}.


In a terminal, run

git clone https://github.com/tyffical/Pridebot.git
cd Pridebot
python main.py

and you're good to go!

On Repl.it

Run on Repl.it

You can turn on the Always On setting (found by clicking on the repl name) to keep the bot continuously running!


Special Thanks