
A cytu.be moderator bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A cytu.be moderator bot

A mention to https://github.com/nuclearace/CytubeBot that this bot was inspired from.

First time setup

Tested for node 10.6.0, npm 6.1.0, so these are the recommended versions.

Do npm install from ../CytubeBot

First time node app.js is run a config.json file will be created and the bot crashes

fill config.json out

from here on the bot can just be started by running node app.js

Works fine on both windows and linux

General usage when running

All logs are stored in the folder logs

The bot takes commands starting with $ and ! fx $help and !help

$help will give a list of available commands

$help command will give a description of the individual commands

The general structure of a command is as such:

$command text

with some commands taking tags like:

$about text [year:1984] or $nominate [mine]

or alternatively like such:

$about text -year:1984 or $nominate -mine

Some commands also take multiple arguments, these are separated by ; fx:

$choose a;b;c;d

Lastly the bot also allows simple references to the current playlist with -prev, -curr and -next

like $about -next

Config settings

databasePath fx ./database.db


  • name name of user bot is logging in as
  • password password of user bot is logging in as


  • name name of channel bot is entering
  • password password (if there is any) of channel bot is entering


  • active weather or not a webserver should be hosted
  • port what port to be used (assuming localhost it is localhost:port)
  • password password to type when entering hosted site
  • public
    • active if the webpage should be hosted publicly
    • subdomain subdomain of public page (full url is subdomain.localtunnel.me)

wolfram api key for wolfram alpha https://products.wolframalpha.com/api/

google api key for google https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/#p/

TheMovieDB api key for TMDB https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api

OMDB api key for OMDB https://www.omdbapi.com/

cleverbot api key for cleverbot https://www.cleverbot.com/api/


$about <movie> tells general plot and information about the given movie

$about <movie> [year:1985] same as without the [year:1985], except it will only look for movies released in 1985

$about -curr looks up the current movie playing

$about -prev looks up the previous movie playing

$about -next looks up the next movie playing

$about same as $about -curr

$add <url> (mod command) adds the given url as next video in queue

$add <movie> (mod command) finds the given movie from db and adds as next in playlist

$add <movie> [year:1985] (mod command) same principe as $about with the [year] tag

$ask <question> answers to yes/no questions

$allow/$disallow <username> (mod command) allows/disallows the user to interact with the bot (must be exact name)

$disallowed (mod command) mentions all disallowed users

$poll <title;option1;option2;..:optionN> (mod command) creates poll with options and title

$poll <title;option1;option2;..:optionN> [anon] (mod command) same as above, just does the voting obscured

$poll [close] (mod command) Picks winner from previous poll and closes it if it's open.

$poll [close] [manage] (mod command, experimental) Same as above, also tries to queue the winner next

$poll [auto] (mod command) Makes a poll from top nominations

$poll [auto] [manage] (mod command, experimental) Same as above. The bot will however also queue trailers, intermission and play the winner at the end

$choose option_1;option_2;..;option_n chooses between a, b, c and d.

$cleanplaylist (admin command) returns a list of possible duplicates and dead links from the playlist

$define <thing> defines the thing using urban dictionary

$curr tells the title of the currently playing movie

$next tells the title of the next playing movie

$prev tells the title of the previous playing movie

$exit (admin command) shuts the bot off

$restart (mod command) restarts the bot

$giphy <thing> displays a gif of said thing

$holiday tells which holidays it currently is today

$avail <title> (user command) tells all available movies in the library matching the title

$avail <title> [year:1985] (user command) same as above, just for specific release year

$ignore/unignore makes the bot (un)ignore any input you make

$image <thing> displays image of thing from a (safe) google search

$nominate <title> (user command) nominates the title to be played (each user can only nominate each title once)

$nominate <title> [year:1985] (user command) same as above for specific year

$nominate [mine] (user command) tells your current nominations

$nominate [top] (user command) tells the top 5 nominated movies

$nominate [delete] (user command) deletes all your current nominations

$pattern <command;regex;msg> (admin command) if you don't know regex look it up. creates a pattern outside of commands for the bot to recognize. Fx say;greater good;greatest good will have the bot say greatest good everytime someone says greater good.

$pattern <command;regex> (admin command) same as above, just not giving any msg to the command that is called

$pattern [all] (admin command) shows all patterns currently active

$pattern [delete] command (admin command) delete all patterns for a given command

$help tells you available commands and general usage (tl;dr of all of this)

$help <commandName> tells specific information about the command

$recommend <title>/-curr/-next/-prev [year:1985] recommend other movies to watch if you liked the given title

$similar <title>/-curr/-next/-prev [year:1985] similar movies to watch if you liked the given title

$talk <msg> chat with the bot, cleverbot style

$time tells the current time of the playing media

$trailer media_1;media_2;..;media_n (mod command) queues a, b and c as trailers from youtube

$trailer (mod command) queues trailers for current poll (or last if none active)

$update (admin command) updates all movie titles/releaseYears/quality to new pattern (if the bot was updated)

$validlib (admin command) makes the bot look through the entire library adding any working links to its database

$wakeall <msg> (mod commmand) squees everybody in the room and gives them a message

$wolfram <query> queries wolfram alpha

$youtube <queries> (mod command) searches for given queries and queues the found ones

$skip (mod command) skips whatever is playing to the next thing in the queue

$permission <user> -permission:setTo (admin command) gives/removes access to specific mod commands.

possible ways to write it:

permissions: "add", "skip", "poll", "restart", "disallow", "allow", "trailer";
grants: "true", "1", "t", "+", "yes", "y";
removes: "false", "0", "f", "-", "no", "n";

fx permission user [add:t] [skip:0] [poll:-] [allow:+] [trailer:yes]

$permission user [all:t] (admin command) removes/gives access to all mod commands, still needs a grant/remove symbol

Adding new commands

in the folder bin/commands/

add a new js file looking something like:

const Command = require('../structure/Command');
const rank = require('../structure/Ranks');

module.exports = new Command(
    rank.guest, // or whatever rank should be needed to use the command
    'description of what and how this command works',
     * @param {CytubeBot} bot
     * @param {Message} message
    (bot, message) => {
        // command functionality

For full view of CytubeBot and Message it is suggested to look in their respective class files

afterwards this command has to be added to the /structure/CommandDictionary.js as such:

const commands = {
    commandname: require('../commands/CommandName'),

That is all that needs to be done to add new commands