
A coding test that covers File and JSON processing, CSV generation, HTTP exchange, Testing

Primary LanguageJava


  • Java 8


Put your IpStack API Key in src/test/resources/application.properties

(Without it integration tests with IpStack will fail)

Run tests

./gradlew test --rerun-tasks

It starts a mix of unit and integration tests.

The CSV directory is created or cleaned before each test using the CSV writer.

Final integration tests

./gradlew test --tests "com.afossey.companiescodingtest.service.CompaniesServiceTests.it_should_complete_the_coding_test_light" --rerun-tasks -i

Parse and process the companies_light.json file following the coding test specs.

./gradlew test --tests "com.afossey.companiescodingtest.service.CompaniesServiceTests.it_should_complete_the_coding_test_heavy_without_ip_stack" --rerun-tasks -i

Parse and process the companies.json file following the coding test specs, without the IpStack and Aggregation part.

Generated CSVs are in src/test/generated/ by default.