This book contains the general documentation of Arabesque, a web application for exploration and filtering origin-destination flows for thematic mapping purposes.
Arabesque presents different possibilities for action on geographical, statistical and cartographic representation.
Index to access to the different sections of the documentation.
About Arabesque development The online version is version 1. for current developments to version 2, see: GitHub/gflowiz/arabesque
Online documentation (in progress) is available here:
Report issue about this documentation on GitHub. This is a Free and OpenSource project, feel free to help us make it better.
Main keywords: origine-destination matrix, hyper matrix, multiplex graph, geoweb, flow mapping, semiology.
Arabesque is a part of the *GFlowiz (geographic flow visualisation) ** project, an interdisciplinary collaboration carried out with the objective of designing and developing a new web application dedicated to the geo visualization of flow and spatial networks datasets. See (in French) : geoflowiz.hypotheses
The application and its documentation is under BSD 2-Clause License, Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Univ. Gustave Eiffel/IFSTTAR. All rights reserved.