
Primary LanguageGo

ORM Package for Go


This ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) package provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with databases in Go. It abstracts the database interactions, allowing developers to work with Go structs instead of direct SQL queries.


  • Auto Migration: Easily create and update database tables based on Go struct definitions.
  • CRUD Operations: Simplified Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations using Go structs.
  • Query Scanning: Directly scan SQL query results into Go structs for easy data manipulation.
  • Tag Parsing: Use custom orm-go tags in structs for additional field specifications like foreign keys and SQL attributes.


To install this package, use the following go get command:

    go get github.com/Bakarseck/orm-go


To get started, import the package and initialize it with your database connection.

    package main

    import (

        orm "github.com/Bakarseck/orm-go/ORM"
        _ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"

    type User struct {
        Username string `orm-go:"NOT NULL UNIQUE"`
        Email    string `orm-go:"NOT NULL UNIQUE"`

    type Produit struct {
        Name_produit string `orm-go:"NOT NULL"`
        Prix         int64
        User_id      int64 `orm-go:"NOT NULL FOREIGN_KEY:User:Id"`

    func NewUser(name, email string) User {
        return User{
            Username: name,
            Email:    email,

    func NewProduit(name string, p int64) Produit {
        return Produit{
            Name_produit: name,
            Prix:         p,

    func main() {
        user := User{}
        produit := Produit{}

        orm := orm.NewORM()
        orm.AutoMigrate(user, produit)

        var produits []interface{}
        for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
            name := fmt.Sprintf("Produit%d", i)
            produit := NewProduit(name, int64(i*5))
            produits = append(produits, produit)


        orm.SetModel("Email", "abdou@gmail.com", "User").UpdateField("moussa@gmail.com").Update(orm.Db)

        orm.Delete(User{}, "Id", 2)
        u := NewUser("Mouhamed Sylla", "syllamouhamed99@gmail.com")
        u1 := NewUser("Abdou", "abdou@gmail.com")
        u2 := NewUser("Sidi", "sidi@gmail.com")

        orm.Insert(u, u1, u2)

        users := orm.Scan(User{}, "Id", "CreatedAt", "Email", "Username").([]User)

        for _, user := range users {
            fmt.Println("User: ", user)



Contributions to this project are welcome! If you're interested in contributing, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Create your own fork of the repository by clicking the 'Fork' button on the GitHub page.

  2. Clone the Fork: Clone your fork to your local machine.

        git clone https://github.com/Bakarseck/orm-go.git
  3. Create a New Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

        git checkout -b feature/your-new-feature
  4. Make Your Changes: Implement your feature or bug fix.

  5. Run the Tests: Ensure all the tests pass with your changes.

  6. Commit Your Changes: Commit your changes with a clear commit message.

    git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  7. Push to the Branch: Push your changes to your fork.

    git push origin feature/your-new-feature
  8. Submit a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and submit a pull request.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate and follow the code style of the project. We also recommend including documentation with your changes.
