
Dynamic and light-weight slider for Vue

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT


Dynamic and light-weight slider for Vue

Note: This is in beta and is subject to change.


  • Yarn: yarn add vue-dynamic-slider
  • or NPM: npm install vue-dynamic-slider


Please visit the demo site: https://bakovidagi.github.io/vue-dynamic-slider/demo/


  <div slot-scope="{ next, prev, scrollToSlide, activeIndex, canScrollNext, canScrollPrev }">
    <!-- With the exposed variables and methods it's simple to make your own pagination -->
    <div @click="prev">&lt;</div>
      <!-- SliderSlide is currently needed for even sizing, but seems redundant so will likely be replaced with Flexbox CSS -->
        v-for="(ix, iter) in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]"
          :alt="`Image ${ix}`"
          style="width: 100%;"
    <div @click="next">&gt;</div>
  import {SliderFrame, SliderSlides, SliderSlide} from 'vue-dynamic-slider';

  export default {
    components: {SliderSlide, SliderSlides, SliderFrame}

Slot API


  • slidesPerView: The number of slides to show at a time. Default: 5
  • scrollIncrement: The number of slides to scroll by at a time. If set, creates pages. Default: 1
  • infiniteScroll: True to enable infinite scrolling. Duplicate slides are created. Default: false
  • breakpoints: Object of screen width to override props. Can adjust slidesPerView and scrollIncrement based on screen width. See below for more info.
  • breakpointElement: Function that returns the element to get breakpoint width from. Defaults to window if null. Use this if you have the slider in an element that isn't the full screen width and want the breakpoints to react to that element instead of the window
  • scrollingFunction: Custom function for scrolling slides. Defaults to a cubic function
  • autoplay: Boolean that automatically scrolls through the slides when true. Toggle this to start/stop the autoplay
  • autoplayInterval: Number of milliseconds to wait before autoplaying

The following methods and properties are exposed via slots.


  • activeIndex: The current active slide, zero based
  • canScrollNext: A boolean that is true if it's possible to scroll to the right
  • canScrollPrev: A boolean that is true if it's possible to scroll to the left
  • slidesInView: An array of all slides that are visible, zero based
  • pagination.numPages: The total number of pages, used for creating pagination dots
  • pagination.currentPage: The current page that is visible, zero based


  • scrollToSlide: A function that takes a zero-based slide number and scrolls to either that or the closest one based on page
  • scrollToPage: A function that takes a zero-based page number and scrolls to the first slide in that page
  • next: Scroll to the next slide or page
  • prev: Scroll to the previous slide or page


Breakpoints are an object of screen width to an override at that width. Accepts a number for px width, or one of sm, md, lg, xl that maps to Bootstrap's breakpoint widths


  "320": { "slidesPerView": 1 },
  "md": { "slidesPerView": 2 },
  "lg": { "slidesPerView": 3 }