Student Management System πŸŽ“


The Student Management System is a console-based application πŸ–₯️ created to manage student and staff information using AVL trees 🌳 for efficient data handling. The system allows administrators and users (students or staff) to interact with the system through various functionalities such as adding, updating, deleting, and searching for user details.

Certainly! Here's an additional section for your that includes the requirements for the credentials.txt file and the avl_impl.cpp file, along with the structure of credentials for an admin and a regular user:

System Requirements and Setup

Required Files

For the Student Management System to function correctly, ensure the following files are present in the same directory:

  1. avl_impl.cpp: This file contains the implementation of the AVL tree used in the system.
  2. credentials.txt: This file stores the login credentials for users and administrators.

Setting Up the credentials.txt File

The credentials.txt file contains the login information for each user. It should be structured as follows:

  • Each line represents a different user.
  • Each user's information should be formatted as username password usertype.
  • The usertype should be admin for administrators and user for regular users.

For example:

john123 pass123 admin
jane_doe janePass user

In this example, john123 is an administrator with password pass123, and jane_doe is a regular user with password janePass.


Ensure that the credentials.txt file is placed in the same directory as your executable file (generated after compiling gui.cpp) for the system to access user credentials correctly.

Users of the System

  1. Administrators πŸ‘©β€πŸ’ΌπŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό: They have full access to the system, including adding, deleting, updating, and searching for user details.
  2. Users (Students/Staff) πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“: Regular users can update their personal information.


The system offers the following functionalities:

For Administrators

  • Add User βž•: Adds a new user to the system.
  • Delete User πŸ—‘οΈ: Removes an existing user from the system.
  • Update User Details πŸ“: Modifies the details of an existing user.
  • Search For User πŸ”: Searches for a user in the system based on a unique identifier.
  • Logout πŸšͺ: Exit the system.

For Regular Users

  • Update User Details πŸ“: Users can update their own details.
  • Logout πŸšͺ: Exit the system.

How to Run Functions

For the "Starting the System" section under "How to Run Functions" in your, you can refer to the following information from an article on Programiz:

Starting the System

To run the Student Management System, you need to have a C++ environment set up on your computer. There are two main ways to run C++ programs:

  1. Using an Online Environment: The easiest way to run C++ programs is to use an online compiler. This is a good option if you do not wish to install any software on your computer. You can find various online C++ compilers by searching online.

  2. Installing a C++ Environment on Your Computer: For a more traditional approach, you can install a C++ compiler and development environment on your computer. Common choices include GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) for Linux, Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows, and Xcode for macOS.

    To set up a C++ environment:

    • For Windows, you can download and install Microsoft Visual Studio, which includes the Visual C++ compiler.
    • For macOS, Xcode provides a comprehensive development environment with a C++ compiler.
    • For Linux, GCC is typically pre-installed, or you can install it via your distribution's package manager.

After setting up the environment, you can compile and run the gui.cpp file. The specific commands to compile and run the program depend on the environment you are using. In general, the steps are:

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Navigate to the directory containing gui.cpp.
  • Use a compile command like g++ gui.cpp -o gui to compile the program.
  • Run the program using ./gui on Unix/Linux/macOS or gui.exe on Windows.

For detailed instructions, refer to the documentation of the C++ environment you have chosen.

Source: Programiz - Getting Started With C++

Navigating Menus

Upon starting the system, you will be greeted with a welcome menu πŸŽ‰ with options to log in or seek help. Choose an option by entering the corresponding number.

For Administrators

After logging in as an administrator, you will be presented with the admin main menu πŸ“Š. Choose an option by entering the number associated with each function:

  1. Add User βž•: Enter the required details as prompted (key, name, date of birth, telephone, email).
  2. Delete User πŸ—‘οΈ: Enter the key of the user you wish to delete.
  3. Update User Details πŸ“: Enter the key of the user to update, followed by the new details.
  4. Search For User πŸ”: Enter the key of the user to search for.
  5. Logout πŸšͺ: Exit the system.

For Regular Users

After logging in as a regular user, you will be presented with the user main menu πŸ“‹:

  1. Update User Details πŸ“: Enter your new details as prompted.
  2. Logout πŸšͺ: Exit the system.

Exiting the System

Choose the logout option from the main menu to exit the system safely 🏁.