1.1 Introduction

When natural calamities occur, it is really difficult to get to rescue. If the condition becomes more worse in case of no communication then it is a chaos all over. This prototype focuses on rescuing the victims and handling the basic needs for their survival.

The project concentrates on establishing that mode of communication between the people which enables them to contact with the outer world. The project at first identifies the locations which are reachable by using the data retrieved from the ISP’S and their cell towers. After collecting that data, we will be able to identify the unreachable areas. To these locations, a chopper will be sent with N number of drones which will be inter-connected with each other and also with the chopper.

1.2 Objectives

The main objective behind this project is to identify the unreachable networks in the aftermath of a natural disaster and to provide a virtual network in the affected area using drones and long-range communications.

1.3 Motivation

The motivation behind this project is to help the developers to build such a prototype in which technologies like cloud computing and Internet of Things can be implemented in a way that it will be beneficial for the human society.


·         Communication being the important part when a natural calamity occurs. One should ensure the safety of themselves and get to rescue. Collecting the information from the ISP’S we will identify the major region which is being hit by the floods with the help of the networks in that region.

·         The Government officials will be sent a message about the regions which are affected by the natural calamity.

·         The data will then be stored in the cloud application platform and the chopper will be sent to the affected regions with contains multiple number of drones which are interconnected with each other with the help of the ad-hoc Networks.

·         Now the victims will be provided a new private network when initially there was no network.

·         With the help of the network users can download an application where the application instructs the drone about what the victims need.

·         The cloud platform maintains a database and keeps track of the data to know how much of amount of goods are supplied to the victims.

·         Therefore, if any of the public or media questions the government about the status of the affected area then they can simply display the details which are stored in the database of the cloud platform.

·         Through this process most of the victims can be saved and get them to rescue.



            This work can be implemented using Node-MCU, Bluetooth and IBM cloud platform which has wide implementation and many IOT related services. The future scope of this work is based upon on the aftermath of any natural disaster that occur, an any situation to provide support and services to the victims by the use of this technology by understanding the regions where there is no network using cell towers and ISP’s and then providing virtual network using drones and long-range communications and also providing resources for the victims.




2.1 Functional Requirements

·         The chopper in this condition is represented by the device called as Node-MCU where it can be operated with a person in it.

·         The drones which are indeed connected with each other can be represented by a Bluetooth module which is connected to the chopper that is the Node-MCU device which is later connected through the reachable networks using the long-range communication systems.

·         With the help of female to female converter the devices can be connected with each other and indeed can communicate with the code written in the devices.

·         A cloud-based application platform is built in order to keep track of the data. Cloud is already automated with all the necessary applications inbuild in it which makes easy for the developers to use them.

2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

·        While the chopper is supplying the basic needs to the victims the cloud maintains all the data about the supplies about how much is being supplied and the remaining goods.

·        Figure 2.2.1 shows the database of the cloud platform about the resources which is present among the total resources.

·        The data collected will be sent to the government officials and later when time comes it will be easier for them to display it to the public and the media.


Figure 2.2.1

2.3 Architecture

The figure 2.3.1 shows the working and the pin diagram of Node MCU device. Node MCU[3] is designed in such a way that it consists of an in-built wireless module in order to make the connections easier. A Bluetooth module is also being used which represents a drone in this prototype the block diagram of the Bluetooth module is also been display in the figure 2.3.2. An application is been deployed specially for these requirements which rescues the victims and gets them to the safety. The application user interface picture is been displayed in the figure 2.3.3.



Image result for bluetooth module connections

Figure 2.3.2 Bluetooth Module                                                                   




Communication being the important part when a natural calamity occurs. One should ensure the safety of themselves and get to rescue. Collecting the information from the ISP’S we will identify the major region which is being hit by the floods with the help of the networks in that region. The Government officials will be sent a message about the regions which are affected by the natural calamity. The data will then be stored in the cloud application platform and the chopper will be sent to the affected regions with contains multiple number of drones which are interconnected with each other with the help of the ad-hoc Networks. Now the victims will be provided a new private network when initially there was no network. With the help of the network users can download an application where the application instructs the drone about what the victims need. The cloud platform maintains a database and keeps track of the data to know how much of amount of goods are supplied to the victims. Therefore, if any of the public or media questions the government about the status of the affected area then they can simply display the details which are stored in the database of the cloud platform. Through this process most of the victims can be saved and get them to rescue.



3.1 Modules Description

3.1.1 Data Collection

            In this module, the networks where the disaster affected areas will be collected using cell tower and ISP’s. Same goes for the drones, which goes to the network affected areas providing its own virtual cell network, through which the victims will be able contact or ask for the resources which will be send to the cloud using long-range communications.

3.1.2 Data Analysing

            The data collected is send to IBM cloud to analyse the data, which will inform us about the network down areas out of the total disaster affected area. A map of the disaster affected area is analysed by marking the network available areas in the map out which we get network down areas.

            For the drones, when the victims ask for the resources, the data is sent to the cloud database, where it is analysed about how much resources are being required by the people in those area.

3.2 Implementation Details

3.2.1 Network Analysing

            The network reachability data is collected from the nearby cell towers and ISP’s, which is given as input to our cloud system where it is analysed out of the total area of the place where the network is up and running from which, we get know the places where network is totally down, and these places require more attention.

3.2.2 Network Provisioning

            The drones are made to fly around the network affected area through the where it gathers around the place, interconnecting with each other using ad-hoc network technology[1], which creates inter-connected network of drones which in turn will create a cell network of its own, which can be used by the victims with their existing smartphones to call and text someone or can get help from rescue team.


3.2.3 Cloud System

            The victims will use their smartphone to use the application provided for the emergency to get resources like food, water, clothes, medicines, etc. These data will be sent to [4]cloud through the network provided by the drones in this system, where it is analysed, that is which resource is the victim requesting for, from where and how much resources are left in those places. After which the cloud system send response to the drone to carry the resources to the victim to the requested location.

3.2.4 Device Connections

Figure 3.1 Interfacing Node MCU with Bluetooth

3.3 Tools Used

3.3.1 IBM Watson IoT Platform

IBM Watson IoT Platform for IBM Cloud gives you a versatile toolkit that includes gateway devices, device management, and powerful application access. By using Watson IoT Platform, you can collect connected device data and perform analytics on real-time data from your organization.




3.3.2 MIT App Inventor

App Inventor for Android is an open-source web application. It allows newcomers to computer programming to create software applications for the Android operating system. It uses a graphical interface, very similar to Scratch and the Star Logo TNG user interface, which allows users to drag-and-drop visual objects to create an application that can run on Android devices.

3.3.3 Arduino IDE

The Arduino integrated development environment is a cross-platform application that is written in the programming language Java. It is used to write and upload programs to any compatible microcontroller boards.

3.3.4 Node-MCU

Node MCU is an open source IoT platform. It includes firmware which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi SoC and hardware which is based on the ESP-12 module. The term “NodeMCU” by default refers to the firmware rather than the development kits, which is used for implementing MQTT protocol.

3.3.5 Bluetooth

The HC-06 is a class 2 slave Bluetooth module designed for transparent wireless serial communication. Once it is paired to a master Bluetooth device such as PC, smart phones and tablet, its operation becomes transparent to the user. All data received through the serial input is immediately transmitted over the air. When the module receives wireless data, it is sent out through the serial interface exactly at it is received.









Chapter 4



Using the cloud platform service and connecting it with few devices like Node MCU and Bluetooth module we can identify and rescue the victims and collect their data of the basic needs which are supplied to them. After the rescue the victim’s technologies are provided with their basic needs which will help them for their survival. With the help of latest like image processing and Artificial intelligence we can identify exact position of the victims too. Cloud being the secure platform and its inbuilt features makes the prototype much easier.


This project was developed to prepare for the management of aftermath of a natural disaster; however, there are lots of scope to improve the performance of this system in the area of drone technology, network provision, and data assessing, etc.

So, there are many things for future enhancement of this project. The future enhancements that are possible in the project are as follows.

§  Wider range for providing virtual cell network.

§  In the area of data security and system security.

§  Better machine learning algorithm, to understand the disaster affected area and resources required by the victims










Source Code for Node-MCU

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

#include <PubSubClient.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial BTserial(D10, D9);//rx,tx D10===Tx,D9==rx

int btresponse = 0;


//-------- Customise these values -----------

const char* ssid = "Phoenix";

const char* password = "08082017";


#define ORG "tkv6xk"

#define DEVICE_TYPE "bluetooth"

#define DEVICE_ID "2802"

#define TOKEN "wNYyHDVjPrTBrMk43"

//-------- Customise the above values --------


char server[] = ORG "";

char topic[] = "iot-2/evt/Data/fmt/json";

char authMethod[] = "use-token-auth";

char token[] = TOKEN;

char clientId[] = "d:" ORG ":" DEVICE_TYPE ":" DEVICE_ID;


WiFiClient wifiClient;

PubSubClient client(server, 1883,wifiClient);


int TotalResources=100;

int FoodKit=50;

int MedicineKit=30;

int ClotheKit=20;


void setup() {




  Serial.print("Connecting to ");


  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {





 Serial.print("WiFi connected, IP address: ");




void loop() {

if (BTserial.available() > 0) {

    btresponse =; // Reads the data from the serial port



    btresponse = 0;




void PublishData(int t){

 if (!!!client.connected()) {

 Serial.print("Reconnecting client to ");


 while (!!!client.connect(clientId, authMethod, token)) {






 String data;


    data="\"Food Kit\"";




  else if(t==50){

     data="\" Medicine Kit\"";




  else if(t==51){

     data="\"Clothe Kit\"";




  String payload = "{\"d\":{\"Food\":";

  payload += FoodKit;

  payload+="," "\"Medicine\":";

  payload += MedicineKit;

  payload+="," "\"Clothes\":";

  payload += ClotheKit;

  payload+="," "\"Requested\":";


  payload += "}}";

 Serial.print("Sending payload: ");


 if (client.publish(topic, (char*) payload.c_str())) {

 Serial.println("Publish ok");

 } else {

 Serial.println("Publish failed");
























Mobile Application Code


Node Red Flow






[1] Subir Kumar Sarkar, T.G. Basavaraju, Ad-hoc mobile wireless networks,2nd edition, CRC Press, 16 November 2016.

[2] C. Puttamadappa, Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols,1st edition, Pearson Education India, 2006.

[3] Marco Schwartz, Internet of Things with ESP8266, Packt Publishing Limited, 6 January 2016

[4] Arsheep bagha, Internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach, First edition, Orient Blackswan Private Limited - New Delhi, 2015.