Multi-classification Sentiment Analysis with Bert

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Description about the project

  • The multi-language dataset contains 3 sentiments POSITIVE, NEUTRAL and NEGATIVE.

How to run the Project

  • Create virtual environment with python 3.7 or above
  • Install the requirements.txt file
  • Use your own data binary classification or multiclass classification
  • I trained only 3 epochs, and it has taken more than 2 hours to complete.
  • Used bert-base-multilingual-cased

How to improve accuracy of the project

  • Change parameters and play with them like learning rate etc.
  • Train more epochs and make sure that you have no computational issues.

Details about each step of the project.

About BertTokenizer and Encoding the Data

  • Tokenization is a process to take raw texts and split into tokens, which are numeric data to represent words.
  • Constructs a BERT tokenizer. Based on WordPiece.
  • Instantiate a pre-trained BERT model configuration to encode our data.
  • To convert all the titles from text into encoded form, we use a function called batch_encode_plus , and we will proceed train and validation data separately.
  • The 1st parameter inside the above function is the title text.
  • add_special_tokens=True means the sequences will be encoded with the special tokens relative to their model.
  • When batching sequences together, we set return_attention_mask=True, so it will return the attention mask according to the specific tokenizer defined by the max_length attribute.
  • We also want to pad all the titles to certain maximum length.
  • We actually do not need to set max_length=256, but just to play it safe.
  • return_tensors='pt' to return PyTorch.
  • And then we need to split the data into input_ids, attention_masks and labels.
  • Finally, after we get encoded data set, we can create training data and validation data.

BERT Pre-trained Model

We are treating each title as its unique sequence, so one sequence will be classified to one of the three labels.

  • bert-base-multilingual-cased is a pre-trained model.
  • Using num_labels to indicate the number of output labels.
  • We don’t really care about output_attentions.
  • We also don’t need output_hidden_states.

Data Loaders

  • DataLoader combines a dataset and a sampler, and provides an iterable over the given dataset.
  • We use RandomSampler for training and SequentialSampler for validation.
  • Given the limited memory in my environment, I set batch_size=4.

Optimizer & Scheduler

  • To construct an optimizer, we have to give it an iterable containing the parameters to optimize. Then, we can specify optimizer-specific options such as the learning rate, epsilon, etc.
  • I found epochs=10 works well for this data set.
  • Create a schedule with a learning rate that decreases linearly from the initial learning rate set in the optimizer to 0, after a warmup period during which it increases linearly from 0 to the initial learning rate set in the optimizer.

Performance Metrics

  • We will use f1 score and accuracy per class as performance metrics.