Dev Machine Init

This Ansible playbook is used to initially setup Ubuntu running as wsl.

What will be configured

If you want to know what happens in detail or which versions are installed, please look into the playbook.yml file

  • Installing some standard packages
    • zsh
    • git
    • sshpass
    • ca-certificates
    • curl
    • apt-transport-https
    • gnupg
    • jq
  • Installing additional packages
  • Configurations
    • Change shell to zsh
    • Enable Starship
    • fzf
    • git config
    • vimrc config


  • Ansible (apt install -y python3-pip && python3 -m pip install ansible)
  • sudo


Be sure to execute the playbook under your user and not root

ansible-playbook -K playbook.yml

-K will force you to provide your password (sudo) to run some tasks