<<<<<<< HEAD Thom's To-Do List for VulnHub.com
The plan is to help g0tmi1k with his Capture-the-Flag and WarGaming social network.
Specifically, I intend to implement an Armitage browser applet.
a-la teamsploit. (see notes re: `butane)
We are looking into using OpenStack to allow users to launch attacks through a full
BackTrack instance and an HTML5 VNC connection: noVNC vs. Guacamole vs. ThinVNC?
- n1tr0g3n
- g0tmi1k
- pushebx
- taddong
- irongeek
- Hardcodedsecurity
- DiabloHorn
- reddit thread
- PenTestLab
- hacking-lab
- Hacking Dojo
- Honeynet Project
the gh0st network
from the Metasploit Project
The idea is to use an HTML5 console to introduce neophytes to the command line.
There has to be a way to move people away from Windows, or get them to use cygwin at least.
- Learn Code the Hard Way
- Bash Shell Scripting
- FLOSS Manuals
- Linux Command
- LifeHacker
- IBM Docs
The Linux Documentation Project: - Bash Guide for Beginners
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
via Dr. Erin Wolf Chambers: - UNIX Tutorial for Beginners
- Learning the Shell
- An Introduction to the Unix Shell by S. R. Bourne
Chrome Experiemnts
(downside: Chrome only)
© Thom Hastings 2012-2013
Code under New BSD License.
Text under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. =======
Operating System's Scripts & stuff to go along with them