logo_ironhack_blue 7


This template should help get you started developing the final project running on Vue 3 with the composition API, Pinia as a state management tool, vue router, vite and lastly Supabase running on the backend.

This is meant as an advanced starter ready to plug in your supabase variables and run directly on a local server already connected to your Supabase instance.

You are given some functions to see how the supabase ecosystem works with Vue and more specifically, pinia as a state management tool.

You can add any CSS framework of your liking like tailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterialUI or many of the cool libaries that exist in the web.


This app is not setUp to be deployed to a production environment like vercel or netlify.

Friday on August 19 we will look at how can we deploy this app to Vercels ecosystem.

Project Setup

npm install

Set Up your Environment Variables from Supabase located at the root folder of the project


Once you have added your environment variables, head to your .gitIgnore file located at the root folder and uncomment the .env file naming to avoid sharing any private access keys to your database

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build


DAY 1 - August 18th

review steps to take & structure

create database for users & tasks in SupaBase

start sign in & sign up forms logic

DAY 2 - August 19th

link database with forms for users to register

create Nav component with logout

finish logout logic

DAY 3 - August 21

login styling

signup styling

DAY 4 - August 22

create home template

create new task form

send new task to supabase

DAY 5 - August 23

finish sending new task to supabase

bring existing taks form supabase

delete tasks

DAY 6 - August 24

edit tasks

mark tasks as completed (toggle)

DAY 6 - August 24

edit tasks