
A ZX-Spectrum + adventure game written in C.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Reveni 20200411

A ZX-Spectrum + adventure game written in C.


La nave espacial mercante 'Aristarco' vuelve desde 'Proxima Centauri' con un cargamento minero. En la soledad del espacio, el aislado tripulante duerme en el interior de su vaina de crio-letargo.

De repente, un meteorito impacta en el carguero, y la nave te despierta a ti, Daesder, el piloto.

No hay tiempo. Tu vaina se acopla a otra mayor y sale despedida por babor, rumbo a Ceres.


This game is written in C for the z88dk.

Install the z88dk toolchain and the fuse ZX Spectrum + emulator. Then, just run:

$ make && make run

You can of course use any other ZX Spectrum emulator. In that case, you will have to modify the Makefile or just grab reveni.tap and load it.


  • Project structure.
  • Game engine.
  • Game plot.
  • Game implementation.
  • Drawn graphics (?).


Check the License.