
A thin wrapper around Redis to make it behave like a Non-Sql database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Sirope es una pequeña librería que envuelve la librería cliente de Redis para Python. Redis es un almacenamiento de pares clave-valor. Mediante el almacenamiento denominado hash, se guardan los objetos que pertenecen a una determinada clase usando JSON. Utilizado de esta forma, tenemos una base de datos NoSql.

Sirope is a thin wrapper around the Redis for Python library. Redis is a store of key-value pairs. Employing the store type called hash, objects pertaining to a given class are saved together as JSON. Used this way, we obtain a NoSql database.

class Person:
    def __init__(self, name: str, born: datetime):
        self._name = name
        self._born = born

    # more things...
# Save object p1
p1 = Person("Baltasar")
sirope = sirope.Sirope()
oid = sirope.save(p1)
# Retrieve object p1
sirope = sirope.Sirope()
p1 = sirope.load(oid)