Pokemon Journey ANDROID
by Samuel Levin
Pokemon Journey is a simple game which has been created over personal interest and school assignment
- It has a android icon
- It Moves
- It has a SQLite Database
- It has animation
- It has a interaction scenario
Download the .apk file Run the .apk file on android device. Make sure you have allowed unsigned applications more can be found here http://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/install-unsigned-android-app-9807.html
- Clicking New Game
Opens new activity and users can enter details
- Enter Username/Gender
Saves in the SQLite database the username,gender and steps to Zero
Continue button should appear
- Making Gender to Girl
Sets all the male sprites to female sprites
- Pressing New Game again and entering details
Overwrites the database
- Pressing Continue
Opens a new activity to the main game
- Pressing 'Click to Move'
Step counter will go up
Moves the background to the left and sprite changes
Randomly the button will change to 'Pokemon has appeared'
Saves current progress to SQLite databse
- Pressing 'Pokemon has appeared'
Send you to a new activity where a battle will comence
- Pressing any button
Will leave the battle activity
Current Bugs
If you are having issues, please let us know. We have a mailing list located at: me@bamuel.com