
Adds functionality to Minecraft server to use the WebUI

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

BanManager WebEnhancer

Minecraft plugin required by BanManager-WebUI

Website | Docs | Demo


  • Associate logs to reports. Check what a player was doing in the moment
  • Seamless logins. Generate 6 digit pins for player logins

To learn more about configuration, usage and features of BanManager, take a look at the website or view the demo.



  • Download from https://ci.frostcast.net/job/BanManager-WebEnhancer/
  • Copy jar to plugins (Spigot/BungeeCord) or mods (Sponge) folder
  • Edit BanManager/messages.yml and add [pin] to token to the ban.player.disallowed & tempban.player.disallowed messages
    • It should similar to:
          disallowed: '&6You have been banned from this server for &4[reason] Use [pin]'
  • Grant players the permission bm.command.bmpin
  • Restart the Minecraft server to enable the plugin


  • /bmpin - Display a valid login pin, requires bm.command.bmpin permission


git clone git@github.com:BanManagement/BanManager-WebEnhancer.git


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.

Help / Bug / Feature Request

If you have found a bug please open an issue with as much detail as possible, including relevant logs and screenshots where applicable

Have an idea for a new feature? Feel free to open an issue or join us on Discord to chat


Free to use under the MIT