Get a personal connection token by username and password, for further comunication from gitlab, to use with gitlab
import getGitlabToken from 'getGitlabToken';
// async wrapper if there is no top-level await support
(async()=> {
const config = {
appId: '71gnageeby118fc1vp2bkaxi2gkqm3wi9w3ti7w4d4w5lq588fjzcys0jnj68nqs',
appSecret: 't1h2a5w8e1mgf8bn81u3ygjtgtnjbcrzo5kw359c6ue1onmxqyt9tiezb4485xcj',
userName: 'bananaacid',
userPassword: 'abcd12345',
gitlabUrl: 'http://gitlab.test.local:1337',
let data = await getGitlabToken(config);'OAuth personal login token:', data.token);'Communication Data', data);
// get an API connection to GitLab
// ...
For accessing GitLab, I used @gitbeaker/node
const api = new Gitlab({ // gitbeaker instance
host: config.gitlabUrl,
oauthToken: data.token
For storing the user name and password in any OS key storage, I used keytar