Helper tools to cennect to server (, github) (osx, win, linux, ..)
> npm i -g
or cutting edge:
> npm i BananaAcid/ -g
> msg2logio -m "test message"
> msg2logiobare "+msg|streamName1|sourceName1|this is a log message"
- If you prefer the Windows style, you may use
- the "bare" variant is only connecting to localhost - use it as a simple code example
> msg2logio --help
Talk to Server (this is a "3rd party Harvester")
Author: Nabil Redmann 2020,
edit this file and change this part: var conConfig = { port: '6689', host: 'localhost' } ;
or add those keys as params: --host=localhost --port=28777
to show configuration and params use: --showconfig
USAGE SHORT: msg2logio -m "message to send" "second message to send" ...
msg2logio --msg "message to send" "second message to send" ...
msg2logio --msg=warn "message to send" "second message to send" ...
OR: echo "message to send \n second message to send \n ..." | msg2logio --msg
cat some.log | tail -5 | msg2logio --msg=info --service="status Update"
USAGE: msg2logio "+msg|service|server|info|message to send" "+msg|service|server|info|second message to send" ...
Send a log message (if none, registers a new node and stream but does not deliver msg) - "info" can be any keyword or emoji ✔ ❌ ❤ ✨
+msg|my_stream|my_node|info|this is log message
Register a new node
Register a new node, with stream associations
Remove a node
this will send as (msg, username, hostname, info-flag, message):
"+msg|webservice|Server01|info|message to send",
"+msg|webservice|Server01|info|second message to send",
> msg2logio.0.3 --log "test message"
> msg2logiobare.0.3 "+log|streamName1|sourceName1|this is a log message"