
API built on @spring-projects used for controlling MarketBotConfigs for Listings/Sales

Primary LanguageJava



  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Most up to date implementation will be found in branch develop.
  • Creator: Aaron Renner
  • This API project was created in Spring-Boot


This RESTful API provides config resourced used to control our market bots.


  • OpenAPI Specification available at swagger.io
  • Postman collection and environment variables in src/test/resources/postman

Getting Started

Running Locally using IDE This project uses Spring profiles, and corresponding application properties .yaml files. All values from the application properties can be overwritten by the environment!

  • Use the following environment variables:
    • spring.profiles.active=<env>

The profiles active environment variable is for selecting active config values. This project has a dev and prod but credentials are hidden!

Note: IDE specific development

  • Eclipse - When modifying this API in Eclipse the VM arguments added to the runtime configuration will be prefixed with -D.
    • Example: -Dspring.profiles.active=dev
    • Example: -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://example.com:3306/databaseName?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true
    • Example: -Dspring.datasource.username=admin
    • Example: -Dspring.datasource.password=password

Running on the Command Line The command arguments in a terminal also follow the prefix -D rule.

mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.arguments="--spring.profiles.active=dev --spring.datasource.username=admin"

Docker & Compose & Maven

This project includes a lightweight, portable maven executable that can be used in place of having maven installed. You will still need Java installed.

When building this application for production I have included the Dockerfile that can allow for building, preparing and executing all source code in the base directory. Using CI/CD this can all be automated and I will try to include an example for using Github workflows.


This property is required for all the encryption features across our organization:

Variable Description
bot.encryptionKey Required

You can use a built-in encryption utility API available at /security/encrypt and /security/decrypt default to this property above and can be replaced by using a X-Security-Key header.
