
pip install references-parser


Use help to see CLI parameters

➜ python -m references_parser parse --help        
Usage: python -m references_parser parse [OPTIONS] PATH

  -s, --save TEXT         Path to file where to save the result of parsing.
  -p, --parser TEXT       Parser to use. Available parsers: ieee, ssau.
                          Default: ssau.
  -v, --verbose           Whether to print output to stdout or not
  -b, --beautify INTEGER  Number of line wraps between references. Default: 1
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Usual way of using the script

python -m references_parser parse in.txt

Website references

It's hard to fully parse a website automatically, so some manual interactions are required.

How to add a website reference:

  1. Add the links directly to the input file.
  2. Invoke the prepare-urls command like this:
python -m references_parser prepare-urls in.txt
  1. Then, the URL in the file will be replaced with a BibTeX-annotated URL:
    origin={TODO: Author or place or corp here},
    base={TODO: Base resource title here},
  1. Here, you can fill in the fields origin (mandatory) and base with the required information.
  2. Then, you can use parsers as usual, but pay attention that the result contains [Б.м.], which you may want to delete.


Follow examples folder to see input and outputs file examples


If you want to improve the program - just fork it and make a pool request