
Simple script to bridge USDC from Polygon to Fantom and back on Stargate.finance

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Simple script to bridge USDC from Polygon to Fantom and back on Stargate.finance

❗You need to have Python 3.10+ installed❗

  1. Fund your wallet in the Polygon network with USDC and some Matic for transaction fees, and Fantom network with some FTM for transaction fees.

  2. Clone repository to yours system.

Open your development environment, such as VSCode or Pycharm. Select the option to clone repo by link and paste the link to this repo.

  1. Open terminal in the same folder as main.py and run this commands:
python3.10 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install web3
  1. In the main.py file, on line 379 inside the list, create a transaction to suit your needs. You can find an example of how to do this there as well. Specify the number of min and max amounts for the transaction on lines 393 and 394 in the main.py Slippage - line 400.

Put your private keys in private_keys.txt

  1. Now you're ready to start:
python main.py

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