
This is a simple classified-ads microservice in Go.


  1. A way to insert a new ad. An ad consists of a subject, a body, an optional price, and an email address.
  2. A way of fetching existing ads. It should be possible to sort the ads on the time they were inserted and by their price.
  3. A way of deleting a previously inserted ad.

Running it

The service needs Mysql to run successfully. Let's use docker-compose to run those servers.

docker-compose up -d mysql

And now you can build and run the server:

go run main.go

Creating and image with docker

To run as a service we can create an image and use docker-compose to start the containers. First the image:

docker build . -t service:latest

PS: Docker file uses revive (go lint successor) and gosec tools to validate code written in the solution is following some standard go best practices.

Now we can run all the servers together using docker-compose.

docker-compose up

Accessing the API

Create Ad

POST http://localhost:8000/api/ads

{ "email": "", "subject": "random-subject", "price": 100.00, "body": "random-body" }

Get all Ads


Sorting and ordering

http://localhost:8000/api/ads?sortBy={created_at, price}&orderBy={asc, desc}

Delete one ad


Stopping the services

Again with docker-compose:

docker-compose down

Run tests:

Firstly we need mysql to run the tests

docker-compose up mysql

Run all tests

go test ./...