Game Version Discord

ElvUI_AddOnSkins - Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a)

This version is meant for Ascension Classless WOW server

It may work for other 3.3.5 servers, however, there have been addons modified to work specifically with Ascension WoW.

ElvUI_AddOnSkins is a plugin for ElvUI-Ascension which skins other AddOns to make them look like ElvUI.

Currently Supported AddOns:

  1. _NPCScan
  2. _NPCScan.Overlay
  3. AckisRecipeList
  4. ACP - Addon Control Panel
  5. AdiBags
  6. AdvancedTradeSkillWindow
  7. AllStats
  8. Altoholic
  9. ArkInventory
  10. AscensionUI
  11. Atlas
  12. AtlasLoot
  13. AtlasQuest
  14. Auctionator
  15. AuctioneerSuite
  16. BigWigs
  17. BindPad
  18. BlackList
  19. BugSack
  20. BuyEmAll
  21. CallToArms
  22. Carbonite
  23. ChatBar
  24. ChocolateBar
  25. CLCRet
  26. Clique
  27. DBM - Deadly Boss Mods
  28. Doom_CooldownPulse
  29. ElvinCDs
  30. EPGP
  31. EPGP_LootMaster
  32. EquipCompare
  33. EventAlert
  34. EveryQuest
  35. Examiner
  36. Factionizer
  37. FeralbyNight
  38. FishingBuddy
  39. FlightMap
  40. FloAspectBar
  41. FloHunterBars
  42. FloTotemBar
  43. GearScore
  44. GnomishVendorShrinker
  45. InspectEquip
  46. ItemRack
  47. KarniCrap
  48. KHunterTimers
  49. LightHeaded
  50. LootCouncilLite
  51. LoseControl
  52. MageNuggets
  53. Mapster
  54. MoveAnything
  55. Omen
  56. OpenGF
  57. oRA3
  58. Outfitter
  59. Overachiever
  60. PAB - Party Ability Bars
  61. PallyPower
  62. PlateBuffs
  63. Poisoner
  64. Postal
  65. PowerAuras
  66. Quartz
  67. QuestGuru
  68. QuestGuru_Tracker
  69. QuestPointer
  70. Quick DKP V2
  71. RaidCooldowns
  72. RaidRoll
  73. RCLootCouncil
  74. Recount
  75. SatrinaBuffFrame
  76. SexyCooldown
  77. SilverDragon
  78. Skada
  79. Skillet
  80. Spy
  81. Stalker
  82. SuperDuperMacro
  83. Talented
  84. TellMeWhen
  85. TinyPad
  86. TipTac
  87. TotemTimers
  88. TradeskillInfo
  89. TrinketMenu
  90. VanasKoS
  91. WIM
  92. WeakAuras
  93. WowLua
  94. ZOMGBuffs
  95. ZygorGuidesViewer
  96. ZygorTalentAdvisor