
Replace substrings in a file and update an associated source map.

Use cases

Updating late loaded file paths post-compilation:





Minifying html content in a web component:


class MyCustomElement extends Polymer.Element {
  static get is() { return 'my-custom'; }
  static get template() {
    return html`
      div { background-color: green; }


class MyCustomElement extends Polymer.Element {
  static get is() { return 'my-custom'; }
  static get template() {
    return html`<style>div{background-color:green;}</style><div></div>`;


constructor Parameters include an original source string and an original source map. The source map may be provided either as a JSON object or as string.

const stringReplaceSourceMap = new StringReplaceSourceMap(originalString, originalMap);

replace Requires a numeric beginning index which is inclusive, an endding index which is exclusive and an replacement substring. Omitting, passing null or undefined for the replacement string will simply remove the original content.

Multiple replacements can be added to the same original string, but the replacement indexes must not overlap.

stringReplaceSourceMap.replace(beginIndex, endIndex, replacementString);

prepend Prepends a new string to the output. This method may be called multiple times and each new string will be added in order.


append Appends a new string to the output. This method may be called multiple times and each new string will be added in order.

This method is added for convenience, but appending a string does not impact a source map so this isn't stricly required.


toString Output the new string with all the replacements


generateMap Returns a promise which resolves to a source map (in JSON format) with all the mappings updated for the replacement.

const sourceMap = await stringReplaceSourceMap.generateMap();

StringReplaceSourceMap.generateJsIdentityMap Helper method to create an identity source map so that replacments properly map back to the original position. Parameters include the path to the file as well as the contents which will be parsed as JavaScript. Returns a source map as a JSON object.

const sourceMap = StringReplaceSourceMap.generateJsIdentityMap(filepath, jsContents);

Example usage

const StringReplaceSourceMap = require('string-replace-source-map');
const stringReplaceSourceMap = new StringReplaceSourceMap(originalString, originalMap);
stringReplaceSourceMap.replace(beginIndex, endIndex, newSubString);

console.log('New string', stringReplaceSourceMap.toString());
  .then((updatedSourceMap) => console.log('Updated source map', updatedSourceMap));