
My solutions to SoftUni's DB problems

Primary LanguageC#


My solutions to SoftUni's DB problems:

MS SQL Entity Framework Core

Databases Introduction

  1. Create Database
  2. Create Tables
  3. Alter Minions Table
  4. Insert Records in Both Tables
  5. Truncate Table Minions
  6. Drop All Tables
  7. Create Table People
  8. Create Table Users
  9. Change Primary Key
  10. Add Check Constraint
  11. Set Default Value of a Field
  12. Set Unique Field
  13. Movies Database
  14. Car Rental Database
  15. Hotel Database
  16. Create SoftUni Database
  17. Basic Insert
  18. Basic Select All Fields
  19. Basic Select All Fields and Order Them
  20. Basic Select Some Fields
  21. Increase Employees Salary
  22. Decrease Tax Rate


  1. Find All Information About Departments
  2. Find all Department Names
  3. Find Salary of Each Employee
  4. Find Full Name of Each Employee
  5. Find Email Address of Each Employee
  6. Find All Different Employee’s Salaries
  7. Find all Information About Employees
  8. Find Names of All Employees by Salary in Range
  9. Find Names of All Employees
  10. Find All Employees Without Manager
  11. Find All Employees with Salary More Than 50000
  12. Find 5 Best Paid Employees
  13. Find All Employees Except Marketing
  14. Sort Employees Table
  15. Create View Employees with Salaries
  16. Create View Employees with Job Titles
  17. Distinct Job Titles
  18. Find First 10 Started Projects
  19. Last 7 Hired Employees
  20. Increase Salaries
  21. All Mountain Peaks
  22. Biggest Countries by Population
  23. Countries and Currency (Euro / Not Euro)
  24. All Diablo Characters

Table Relations

  1. One-To-One Relationship
  2. One-To-Many Relationship
  3. Many-To-Many Relationship
  4. Self-Referencing
  5. Online Store Database
  6. University Database
  7. Peaks in Rila

Built-in Functions

  1. Find Names of All Employees by First Name
  2. Find Names of All employees by Last Name
  3. Find First Names of All Employees
  4. Find All Employees Except Engineers
  5. Find Towns with Name Length
  6. Find Towns Starting With
  7. Find Towns Not Starting With
  8. Create View Employees Hired After 2000 Year
  9. Length of Last Name
  10. Rank Employees by Salary
  11. Find All Employees with Rank 2 *
  12. Countries Holding ‘A’ 3 or More Times
  13. Mix of Peak and River Names
  14. Games from 2011 and 2012 year
  15. User Email Providers
  16. Get Users with IPAdress Like Pattern
  17. Show All Games with Duration and Part of the Day
  18. Orders Table
  19. People Table

Subqueries and Joins

  1. Employee Address
  2. Addresses with Towns
  3. Sales Employee
  4. Employee Departments
  5. Employees Without Project
  6. Employees Hired After
  7. Employees with Project
  8. Employee 24
  9. Employee Manager
  10. Employee Summary
  11. Min Average Salary
  12. Highest Peaks in Bulgaria
  13. Count Mountain Ranges
  14. Countries with Rivers
  15. Continents and Currencies
  16. Countries Without Any Mountains
  17. Highest Peak and Longest River by Country
  18. Highest Peak Name and Elevation by Country

Indices and Data Aggregation

  1. Records’ Count
  2. Longest Magic Wand
  3. Longest Magic Wand Per Deposit Groups
  4. Smallest Deposit Group Per Magic Wand Size
  5. Deposits Sum
  6. Deposits Sum for Ollivander Family
  7. Deposits Filter
  8. Deposit Charge
  9. Age Groups
  10. First Letter
  11. Average Interest
  12. Rich Wizard, Poor Wizard
  13. Departments Total Salaries
  14. Employees Minimum Salaries
  15. Employees Average Salaries
  16. Employees Maximum Salaries
  17. Employees Count Salaries
  18. 3rd Highest Salary
  19. Salary Challenge

Functions and Stored Procedures

  1. Employees with Salary Above 35000
  2. Employees with Salary Above Number
  3. Town Names Starting With
  4. Employees from Town
  5. Salary Level Function
  6. Employees by Salary Level
  7. Define Function
  8. Delete Employees and Departments
  9. Find Full Name
  10. People with Balance Higher Than
  11. Future Value Function
  12. Calculating Interest
  13. Scalar Function: Cash in User Games Odd Rows

Triggers and Transactions

Entity Framework Introduction

  1. Employees Full Information
  2. Employees with Salary Over 50 000
  3. Employees from Research and Development
  4. Adding a New Address and Updating Employee
  5. Employees and Projects
  6. Addresses by Town
  7. Employee 147
  8. Departments with More Than 5 Employees
  9. Find Latest 10 Projects
  10. Increase Salaries
  11. Find Employees by First Name Starting with "Sa"
  12. Delete Project by Id
  13. Remove Town

Entity Relations

  1. Student System
  2. Football Betting


  1. MusicHub Database
  2. Albums Info
  3. Songs Above Duration

Advanced Querying

  1. Age Restriction
  2. Golden Books
  3. Books by Price
  4. Not Released in
  5. Book Titles by Category
  6. Released Before Date
  7. Author Search
  8. Book Search
  9. Book Search by Author
  10. Count Books
  11. Total Book Copies
  12. Profit by Category
  13. Most Recent Books
  14. Increase Prices
  15. Remove Books

JavaScript Object Notation - JSON

  1. Import Users
  2. Import Products
  3. Import Categories
  4. Import Categories and Products
  5. Export Products In Range
  6. Export Sold Products
  7. Export Categories By Products Count
  8. Export Users and Products
  9. Import Suppliers
  10. Import Parts
  11. Import Cars
  12. Import Customers
  13. Import Sales
  14. Export Ordered Customers
  15. Export Cars From Make Toyota
  16. Export Local Suppliers
  17. Export Cars With Their List Of Parts
  18. Export Total Sales By Customer
  19. Export Sales With Applied Discount

Extensible Markup Language - XML

  1. Import Users
  2. Import Products
  3. Import Categories
  4. Import Categories and Products
  5. Export Products In Range
  6. Export Sold Products
  7. Export Categories By Products Count
  8. Export Users and Products
  9. Import Suppliers
  10. Import Parts
  11. Import Cars
  12. Import Customers
  13. Import Sales
  14. Export Cars With Distance
  15. Export Cars From Make BMW
  16. Export Local Suppliers
  17. Export Cars With Their List Of Parts
  18. Export Total Sales By Customer
  19. Export Sales With Applied Discount


  1. Hospital Database
  2. Hospital Database Modification
  3. Sales Database 4-5. Migrations