
Unified Realtime/API Engine for .NET Core and Unity.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Unified Realtime/API Engine for .NET Core and Unity.

What is it?

MagicOnion is an Realtime Network Engine like SignalR, Socket.io and RPC-Web API Framework like any web-framework.

MagicOnion is built on gRPC so fast(HTTP/2) and compact(binary) network transport. It does not requires .proto and generate unlike plain gRPC. Protocol schema can share a C# interface and classes.


Share interface as schema and request as API Service seems like normal C# code


StreamingHub realtime service, broadcast data to many connected clients

MagicOnion is for Microservices(communicate between .NET Core Servers like Orleans, ServiceFabric, AMBROSIA), API Service(for WinForms/WPF like WCF, ASP.NET Core MVC), Native Client’s API(for Xamarin, Unity) and Realtime Server that replacement like Socket.io, SignalR, Photon, UNet, etc.

Quick Start

for .NET 4.6, 4.7 and .NET Standard 2.0(.NET Core) available in NuGet. Unity supports see Unity Supports section. HttpGateway + Swagger Intergarion supports see Swagger section.

Install-Package MagicOnion

MagicOnion has two sides, Service for like web-api and StreamingHub for relatime communication. At first, see define Service.

using Grpc.Core;
using MagicOnion;
using MagicOnion.Server;
using System;

// define interface as Server/Client IDL.
// implements T : IService<T> and share this type between server and client.
public interface IMyFirstService : IService<IMyFirstService>
    // Return type must be `UnaryResult<T>` or `Task<UnaryResult<T>>`.
    // If you can use C# 7.0 or newer, recommend to use `UnaryResult<T>`.
    UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y);

// implement RPC service to Server Project.
// inehrit ServiceBase<interface>, interface
public class MyFirstService : ServiceBase<IMyFirstService>, IMyFirstService
    // You can use async syntax directly.
    public async UnaryResult<int> SumAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Received:{x}, {y}");

        return x + y;

and, launch the server.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new Grpc.Core.Logging.ConsoleLogger());

        // setup MagicOnion and option.
        var service = MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(isReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail: true);

        var server = new global::Grpc.Core.Server
            Services = { service },
            Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }
        // launch gRPC Server.

        // and wait.

write the client.

// standard gRPC channel
var channel = new Channel("localhost", 12345, ChannelCredentials.Insecure);

// get MagicOnion dynamic client proxy
var client = MagicOnionClient.Create<IMyFirstService>(channel);

// call method.
var result = await client.SumAsync(100, 200);
Console.WriteLine("Client Received:" + result);

MagicOnion allows primitive, multiple request value. Complex type is serialized by LZ4 Compressed MsgPack by MessagePack for C# so type should follow MessagePack for C# rules.


StreamingHub is a fully-typed realtime server<->client communication framework.

// Server -> Client definition
public interface IGamingHubReceiver
    // return type shuold be `void` or `Task`, parameters are free.
    void OnJoin(Player player);
    void OnLeave(Player player);
    void OnMove(Player player);
// Client -> Server definition
// implements `IStreamingHub<TSelf, TReceiver>`  and share this type between server and client.
public interface IGamingHub : IStreamingHub<IGamingHub, IGamingHubReceiver>
    // return type shuold be `Task` or `Task<T>`, parameters are free.
    Task<Player[]> JoinAsync(string roomName, string userName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);
    Task LeaveAsync();
    Task MoveAsync(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);
// for example, request object by MessagePack.
public class Player
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public Vector3 Position { get; set; }
    public Quaternion Rotation { get; set; }
// Server implementation
// implements : StreamingHubBase<THub, TReceiver>, THub
public class GamingHub : StreamingHubBase<IGamingHub, IGamingHubReceiver>, IGamingHub
    // this class is instantiated per connected so fields are cache area of connection.
    IGroup room;
    Player self;
    IInMemoryStorage<Player> storage;

    public async Task<Player[]> JoinAsync(string roomName, string userName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
        self = new Player() { Name = userName, Position = position, Rotation = rotation };

        // Group can bundle many connections and it has inmemory-storage so add any type per group. 
        (room, storage) = await Group.AddAsync(roomName, self);

        // Typed Server->Client broadcast.

        return storage.AllValues.ToArray();

    public async Task LeaveAsync()
        await room.RemoveAsync(this.Context);

    public async Task MoveAsync(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
        self.Position = position;
        self.Rotation = rotation;

    // You can hook OnConnecting/OnDisconnected by override.
    protected override async ValueTask OnDisconnected()
        // on disconnecting, if automatically removed this connection from group.
        return CompletedTask;


MagicOnion filter is powerful feature to hook before-after invoke. It is useful than gRPC server interceptor.


// You can attach per class/method like [SampleFilter]
// for StreamingHub methods, implement StreamingHubFilterAttribute instead.
public class SampleFilterAttribute : MagicOnionFilterAttribute
    // constructor convention rule. requires Func<ServiceContext, Task> next.
    public SampleFilterAttribute(Func<ServiceContext, Task> next) : base(next) { }

    // other constructor, use base(null)
    public SampleFilterAttribute() : base(null) { }

    public override async ValueTask Invoke(ServiceContext context)
            /* on before */
            await Next(context); // next
            /* on after */
            /* on exception */
            /* on finally */

Here is example of what kind of filter can be stacked.


GlobalFilter can attach to MagicOnionOptions.

ServiceContext and Lifecycle

Service/StreamingHub's method or MagicOnionFilter can access this.Context it is

Property Description
ConcurrentDictionary<string, object> Items Object storage per request/connection.
Guid ContextId Unieuq ID per request(Service)/connection(StreamingHub).
DateTime Timestamp Timestamp that request/connection is started time.
Type ServiceType Invoked Class.
MethodInfo MethodInfo Invoked Method.
`ILookup<Type, Attribute> AttributeLookup Cached Attributes that merged both service and method.
ServerCallContext CallContext Raw gRPC Context.
IFormatterResolver FormatterResolver Using MessagePack resolver.

Items is useful, for example authentication filter add UserId to Items and take out from service method.

If using StreamingHub, ServiceContext means per connected context so Items is not per method invoke. StreamingHubContext.Items supports per streaming hub method request but currently can not take from streaming hub method(only use in StreamingHubFilter). Issue:#67, it will fix.

MagicOnion supports get current context globaly like HttpContext.Current. ServiceContext.Current can get it but it requires MagicOnionOptions.EnableCurrentContext = true, default is false.

Lifecycle image of ServiceBase

gRPC In(
    var context = new ServiceContext();
        var service = new ServiceImpl();
        service.ServiceContext = context;
            /* method impl */

Lifecycle image of StreamingHub(StreamingHub is inherited from ServiceBase)

gRPC In(
    var context = new ServiceContext();
        var hub = new StreamingHubImpl();
        hub.ServiceContext = context;
            while (connecting) {
                Streaming In(
                    var streamingHubContext = new StreamingHubContext(context);
                            /* method impl */

StreamingHub instance is shared while connecting so StreamingHub's field can use cache area of connection.


MagicOnionOption can pass to MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(MagicOnionOptions option).

Property Description
IMagicOnionLogger MagicOnionLogger Set the diagnostics info logger.
bool DisableEmbeddedService Disable embedded service(ex:heartbeat), default is false.
MagicOnionFilterAttribute[] GlobalFilters Global MagicOnion filters.
bool EnableCurrentContext Enable ServiceContext.Current option by AsyncLocal, default is false.
StreamingHubFilterAttribute[] Global StreamingHub filters. GlobalStreamingHubFilters
IGroupRepositoryFactory DefaultGroupRepositoryFactory Default GroupRepository factory for StreamingHub, default is ``.
IServiceLocator ServiceLocator Add the extra typed option.
bool IsReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail If true, MagicOnion handles exception ownself and send to message. If false, propagate to gRPC engine. Default is false.
IFormatterResolver FormatterResolver MessagePack serialization resolver. Default is used ambient default(MessagePackSerialzier.Default).

IMagicOnionLogger is structured logger of MagicOnion. Implements your custom logging code and append it, default is NullMagicOnionLogger(do nothing). MagicOnion has some built in logger, MagicOnionLogToGrpcLogger that structured log to string log and send to GrpcEnvironment.Logger. MagicOnionLogToGrpcLoggerWithDataDump is includes data dump it is useful for debugging(but slightly heavy, recommended to only use debugging). MagicOnionLogToGrpcLoggerWithNamedDataDump is more readable than simple WithDataDump logger.

If you want to add many loggers, you can use CompositeLogger(for gRPC logging), CompositeMagicOnionLogger(for MagicOnion structured logging) to composite many loggers.

ExceptionHandling and StatusCode

If you are return custom status code from server to client, you can use throw new ReturnStatusException.

public Task SendMessageAsync(string message)
    if (message.Contains("foo"))
        throw new ReturnStatusException((Grpc.Core.StatusCode)99, "invalid");

    // ....

Client can receive exception as gRPC's RpcException. If performance centric to avoid exception throw, you can use raw gRPC CallContext.Status(ServiceContext.CallCaontext.Status) and set status directly.

MagicOnion's engine catched exception(except ReturnStatusException), set StatusCode.Unknown and client received gRPC's RpcException. If MagicOnionOption.IsReturnExceptionStackTraceInErrorDetail is true, client can receive StackTrace of server exception, it is very useful for debugging but has critical issue about sercurity so should only to enable debug build.

Group and GroupConfiguration

StreamingHub's broadcast system is called Group. It can get from StreamingHub impl method, this.Group(this.Group type is HubGroupRepository, not IGroup).

Current connection can add to group by this.Group.AddAsync(string groupName), return value(IGroup) is joined group broadcaster so cache to field. It is enable per connection(if disconnected, automaticaly leaved from group). If you want to use some restriction, you can use TryAddAsync(string groupName, int incluciveLimitCount, bool createIfEmpty).

IGroup can pass to StreamingHub.Broadcast, BroadcastExceptSelf, BroadcastExcept and calls client proxy.

public class ChatHub : StreamingHubBase<IChatHub, IMessageReceiver>, IChatHub
    string userName;
    IGroup room;

    public async Task JoinAsync(string userName, string roomName)
        this.userName = userName;
        this.room = await Group.AddAsync(roomName);

    public async Task SendMessageAsync(string message)
        Broadcast(room).OnReceiveMessage(userName, message);

GroupRepository is created per StreamingHub type

If you want to create ServerSide loop and broadcast out of StreamingHub, you can pass Broadcast(room) result but it is unnatural, I'll add support kit of create server-side loop

Group has in-memory storage, it can store extra data to group member. It can set Group.AddAsync(string groupName, TStorage data) instead of standard AddAsync.

Data is can get from group.GetInMemoryStorage<T> and can invoke AllValues, Set(Guid connectionId, T Value), Get(Guid connectionId).

StreamingHub's ConnectionId is ServiceContext.ContextId

Default MagicOnion's group is inmemory and using ImmutableArrayGroup. This group implementation is tuned for small room, not enter/leave frequently. If large room and enter/leave frequently design, you can use ConcurrentDictionaryGroup. It can configure by GroupConfigurationAttribute or MagicOnionOptions.DefaultGroupRepositoryFactory.

// use ***GroupRepositoryFactory type.
public class ChatHub : StreamingHubBase<IChatHub, IMessageReceiver>, IChatHub
    // ...

MagicOnion has distribute system called redis-backplane for group broadcast.


  • Install-Package MagicOnion.Redis
// set RedisGroupRepositoryFactory
public class ...

// configure ConnectionMultiplexer(StackExchange.Redis) to MagicOnionOption.ServiceLocator
var option = new MagicOnionOption();
option.ServiceLocator.Register(new ConnectionMultiplexer(...));

Zero deserialization mapping

In RPC, especially in real-time communication involving frequent transmission of data, it is often the serialization process where data is converted before being sent that limits the performance. In MagicOnion, serialization is done by my MessagePack for C#, which is the fastest binary serializer for C#, so it cannot be a limiting factor. Also, in addition to performance, it also provides flexibility regarding data in that variables of any type can be sent as long as they can be serialized by MessagePack for C#.

Also, taking advantage of the fact that both the client and the server run on C# and data stored on internal memory are expected to share the same layout, I added an option to do mapping through memory copy without serialization/deserialization in case of a value-type variable.

Especialy in Unity, this is can combinate with MessageaPack.UnityShims package of NuGet.

// It supports standard struct-type variables that are provided by Unity, such as Vector3, and arrays containing them, as well as custom struct-type variables and their arrays.
// I recommend doing this explicitly using [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] to accurately match the size.
public struct CustomStruct
    public long Id;
    public int Hp;
    public int Mp;
    public byte Status;
// ---- Register the following code when initializing.
// By registering it, T and T[] can be handled using zero deserialization mapping.
// The struct-type above as well as Unity-provided struct-types (Vector2, Rect, etc.), and their arrays are registered as standards.
// --- Now the communication will be in the format above when they are used for transmission.
await client.SendAsync(new CustomStruct { Hp = 99 });

Nothing needs to be processed here, so it promises the best performance theoretically possible in terms of transmission speed. However, since these struct-type variables need to be copied, I recommend handling everything as ref as a rule when you need to define a large struct-type, or it might slow down the process.

I believe that this can be easily and effectively applied to sending a large number of Transforms, such as an array of Vector3 variables.

Project Structure

If creates Server-Client project, I recommend make three projects. Server, ServerDefinition, Client.


ServerDefinition is only defined interface(IService<>, IStreamingHub<,>)(and some share request/response types).

If debugging, I recommend use SwitchStartupProject exteinson of VisualStudio and launch both Server and Client.

"MultiProjectConfigurations": {
    "Server + Client": {
        "Projects": {
            "FooService": {},
            "FooClient": {}

It can step-in/out seamlessly in server and client.

for Unity, you can't share by DLL(because can't share IServer<> because it is different reference both Unity and Server). It is slightly complex so we provides sample project and explanation.

see: samples page and ReadMe.


I've recommend to use .NET Generic Host to host .NET Core app. MagicOnion.Hosting package helps to build to use MagicOnion.

  • Install-Package MagicOnion.Hosting
// with the `Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting` package.
static async Task Main(string[] args)
    // IHostBuilder.UseMagicOnion to enable MagicOnion
    await new HostBuilder()
        .UseMagicOnion(new[] { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) })

If you can want to load configuration, set logging, etc, see .NET Generic Host documantation.


MagicOnion has built-in Http1 JSON Gateway and Swagger integration for Unary operation. It can execute and debug RPC-API easily.

  • Install-Package MagicOnion.HttpGateway

HttpGateway is built on ASP.NET Core. for example, with Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.WebListener.

static void Main(string[] args)
    // gRPC definition.
    GrpcEnvironment.SetLogger(new ConsoleLogger());
    var service = MagicOnionEngine.BuildServerServiceDefinition(new MagicOnionOptions(true)
        MagicOnionLogger = new MagicOnionLogToGrpcLogger()
    var server = new global::Grpc.Core.Server
        Services = { service },
        Ports = { new ServerPort("localhost", 12345, ServerCredentials.Insecure) }

    // NuGet: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel
    var webHost = new WebHostBuilder()
        .ConfigureServices(collection =>
            // Add MagicOnionServiceDefinition for reference from Startup.
            collection.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(MagicOnionServiceDefinition), service));

    webHost.Run(); // Hosting HTTP/1

// WebAPI Startup configuration.
public class Startup
    // Inject MagicOnionServiceDefinition from DIl
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, MagicOnionServiceDefinition magicOnion)
        // Optional:Add Summary to Swagger
        // var xmlName = "Sandbox.NetCoreServer.xml";
        // var xmlPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location), xmlName);

        // HttpGateway requires two middlewares.
        // One is SwaggerView(MagicOnionSwaggerMiddleware)
        // One is Http1-JSON to gRPC-MagicOnion gateway(MagicOnionHttpGateway)
        app.UseMagicOnionSwagger(magicOnion.MethodHandlers, new SwaggerOptions("MagicOnion.Server", "Swagger Integration Test", "/")
            // XmlDocumentPath = xmlPath
        app.UseMagicOnionHttpGateway(magicOnion.MethodHandlers, new Channel("localhost:12345", ChannelCredentials.Insecure));

Open http://localhost:5432, you can see swagger view.


Unity Supports

You can download MagicOnion.Unity.*.*.*.package and moc.zip(MagicOnionCompiler) in the releases page. But MagicOnion has no dependency so download gRPC lib from gRPC daily builds, click Build ID and download grpc_unity_package.*.*.*-dev.zip. One more, requires MessagePack for C# for serialization, you can download MessagePack.Unity.*.*.*.unitypackage and mpc.zip(MessagePackCompiler) from MessagePack-CSharp/releases.

MagicOnion only supports .NET 4.x runtime and recommend to supports C# 7.0(Unity 2018.3) version. Allow unsafe Code and add ENABLE_UNSAFE_MSGPACK, you can use UnsafeDirectBlitResolver to extremely fast serialization.

Default MagicOnion's Unity client works well on Unity Editor or not IL2CPP env. But for IL2CPP environment, you need client code generation. moc is cross-platform standalone application.

moc arguments help:
  -i, --input=VALUE          [required]Input path of analyze csproj
  -o, --output=VALUE         [required]Output path(file) or directory base(in separated mode)
  -u, --unuseunityattr       [optional, default=false]Unuse UnityEngine's RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute on MagicOnionInitializer
  -c, --conditionalsymbol=VALUE [optional, default=empty]conditional compiler symbol
  -n, --namespace=VALUE      [optional, default=MagicOnion]Set namespace root name
  -a, asyncsuffix      [optional, default=false]Use methodName to async suffix

Please try it to run iOS/Android etc.

Project structure and code generation sample, see samples page and ReadMe.


MagicOnion can define and use primitive gRPC APIs(ClientStreaming, ServerStreaming, DuplexStreaming). Especialy DuplexStreaming is used underlying StreamingHub. If there is no reason, we recommend using StreamingHub.

// Definitions
public interface IMyFirstService : IService<IMyFirstService>
    UnaryResult<string> SumAsync(int x, int y);
    Task<UnaryResult<string>> SumLegacyTaskAsync(int x, int y);
    Task<ClientStreamingResult<int, string>> ClientStreamingSampleAsync();
    Task<ServerStreamingResult<string>> ServertSreamingSampleAsync(int x, int y, int z);
    Task<DuplexStreamingResult<int, string>> DuplexStreamingSampleAync();

// Server
public class MyFirstService : ServiceBase<IMyFirstService>, IMyFirstService
    // VisualStudio 2017(C# 7.0), Unity 2018.3 supports return `async UnaryResult` directly
    // I recommend disable async-warning on project level. <NoWarn>1998</NoWarn>
    public async UnaryResult<string> SumAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Called SumAsync - x:{x} y:{y}");

        return (x + y).ToString();

    // VS2015(C# 6.0), Unity 2018.2 use Task
    public async Task<UnaryResult<string>> SumLegacyTaskAsync(int x, int y)
        Logger.Debug($"Called SumAsync - x:{x} y:{y}");

        // use UnaryResult method.
        return UnaryResult((x + y).ToString());

    public async Task<ClientStreamingResult<int, string>> ClientStreamingSampleAsync()
        Logger.Debug($"Called ClientStreamingSampleAsync");

        // If ClientStreaming, use GetClientStreamingContext.
        var stream = GetClientStreamingContext<int, string>();

        // receive from client asynchronously
        await stream.ForEachAsync(x =>
            Logger.Debug("Client Stream Received:" + x);

        // StreamingContext.Result() for result value.
        return stream.Result("finished");

    public async Task<ServerStreamingResult<string>> ServertSreamingSampleAsync(int x, int y, int z)
        Logger.Debug($"Called ServertSreamingSampleAsync - x:{x} y:{y} z:{z}");

        var stream = GetServerStreamingContext<string>();

        var acc = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < z; i++)
            acc = acc + x + y;
            await stream.WriteAsync(acc.ToString());

        return stream.Result();

    public async Task<DuplexStreamingResult<int, string>> DuplexStreamingSampleAync()
        Logger.Debug($"Called DuplexStreamingSampleAync");

        // DuplexStreamingContext represents both server and client streaming.
        var stream = GetDuplexStreamingContext<int, string>();

        var waitTask = Task.Run(async () =>
            // ForEachAsync(MoveNext, Current) can receive client streaming.
            await stream.ForEachAsync(x =>
                Logger.Debug($"Duplex Streaming Received:" + x);

        // WriteAsync is ServerStreaming.
        await stream.WriteAsync("test1");
        await stream.WriteAsync("test2");
        await stream.WriteAsync("finish");

        await waitTask;

        return stream.Result();

Client sample.

static async Task UnaryRun(IMyFirstService client)
    // await(C# 7.0, Unity 2018.3)
    var vvvvv = await client.SumAsync(10, 20);
    Console.WriteLine("SumAsync:" + vvvvv);
    // if use Task<UnaryResult>(Unity 2018.2), use await await
    var vvvv2 = await await client.SumLegacyTaskAsync(10, 20);

static async Task ClientStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.ClientStreamingSampleAsync();

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        await stream.RequestStream.WriteAsync(i);
    await stream.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();

    var response = await stream.ResponseAsync;

    Console.WriteLine("Response:" + response);

static async Task ServerStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.ServertSreamingSampleAsync(10, 20, 3);

    await stream.ResponseStream.ForEachAsync(x =>
        Console.WriteLine("ServerStream Response:" + x);

static async Task DuplexStreamRun(IMyFirstService client)
    var stream = await client.DuplexStreamingSampleAync();

    var count = 0;
    await stream.ResponseStream.ForEachAsync(async x =>
        Console.WriteLine("DuplexStream Response:" + x);

        await stream.RequestStream.WriteAsync(count++);
        if (x == "finish")
            await stream.RequestStream.CompleteAsync();

How to build

using VS2019. Some Unity files using symbolic link to sharing code. In windows, requires core.symlinks = true .gitconfig and allows to create symboloic link privilege(or git clone on admin) and set enrvironemnt variable like this command setx MSYS winsymlinks:nativestrict(privilege).

Author Info

This library is mainly developed by Yoshifumi Kawai(a.k.a. neuecc).
He is the CEO/CTO of Cysharp which is a subsidiary of Cygames.
He is awarding Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies(C#) since 2011.
He is known as the creator of UniRx and MessagePack for C#.


This library is under the MIT License.