
This repository for learning Tensorflow and reparing for Tensorflow Certificate exam

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Tensorflow Deep Learing Fundamentals

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I started to studying for the Tensorflow Certificate seriously in 30th July 2021 (honestly, i started in 15th but i was busy studying for final semester exam in my University), and I took the exam in 29th August 2021. I was very nervous but don't worry, you can do it too.

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📝 Repository learning Tensorflow and reparing for Tensorflow Certificate exam

My study routine:

  • I spend about 2 days to studying each module.
  • Beside notebook, read book and watch online lecture to understand the concept underlying the code.
  • Working with preprocess data and fine tune hyperparameters beside the building models.
  • Fix bugs, yes, there are lots of bugs when i coded like dimension error, versions error, etc.

My development environment:

  • Google colab (thanks google for offer free GPU 🙏).
  • Pycharm (recommend because the Exam use PyCharm IDE).
  • ...

About the notebook environment when i was created:

  • Python == 3.8.x
  • Tensorflow == 2.5.x

If you run these on collab, the environment or some TensorFlow module will be a little bit different.

Basic Intuition



Number Notebook Description Extras
00 Tensorflow Fundamentals Basic tensor operations Machine Learing & Deep Learning , Karpathy's Blog
01 TensorFlow Regression Introduce to simple linear regression problems Gradient Descent demo , Backpropagation from scrath
02 TensorFlow Classification Simple binary classification and multiple classification Activation Function cheatsheet
03 TensorFlow Computer Vision Solve image classification with CNN CNN explainer
04 Transfer Learning: Feature Extraction Use Transfer Learning, specifically Feature Extraction for our own problem. Transfer learning
05 Transfer Learning: Fine Tune Use Transfer Learning, Fine Tuning.
06 Transfer Learning: Scalling Up Use Transfer Learning for the 101 classes Food101 dataset
07 Mile Stone Project 1: FoodVision Introduce to Mixed Precision and combine all what i have learned
08 TensorFlow NLP Fundamentals Introduce to simple NLP problems like Twitter Disaster dataset Word Embedding , Word2Vec , GloVe embeddings , Chirs Olah intro to LSTM
09 Milestone Project 2: SkimLit NLP classification, make Medical Abstraction easier to read using PubMed 200k RCT dataset
10 TensorFlow Time Series Fundamentals & Milestone Project 3: BitPredict Introduce to Time series problems and try create a failed bitcoin price prediction Uber forcasting introduction , Forecasting priciples and practices , How (not) to use the ML for time series forcasting
11 Tensorflow Skill Checklist Skill checklist according to TensorFlow candidate handbook TensorFlow Certificate Handbook


  1. Thanks mrdbourke for provide a brilliant course, help me when i was stuck with errors.
  2. Thanks Kaggle for give me a flatform to take part in competition to challenges what i've learned.
  3. Thanks MIT for provide a whole series lectures online about ANN.
  4. And thanks myself for not giving up. 🤣