Classic Aracde Game
Last update:
Updated objective progress.
- (*) = In progress.
- (**) = Complete.
This is a game with 'frogger' like functionality of getting the player acrosss the a set amount of cordinates to the win condition avoiding posssible entities that would cause you to lose.
- Download files.
- open index.html in browser.
- Ready to demo.
Game instructions:
- Arrow keys: 'left', 'up', 'down' and 'right' will control player movement.
- Goals: Reach to the water block avoiding collisions.
- Create a Hero (**)
- Containment perimeter (Player can not move off screen). (**)
- Vehicle system.(**)
- Vehicle-player collisions logics and effects. (**)
Clean out the comments in JS files.Inspection of comments on elements and outside resource engines for insight. (**)Add a win condition.(**)
Credits | Sources
I would like to give credit and thanks to the following resources.
- Udacity's active community and support.
- W3Schools for providing explaination on frames.
- StackOverflow and their community for the in depth library of answers and troubleshooting aid.