
FullStack GraphQL API + Prisma for serving the Back-End & Apollo + ReactJS for the Front-End

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I decided to do a more modern updated version from my last Scala version with graphql-yoga creating a FullStack app with GraphQL & ReactJS for a more concise and steamlined way or querying our API. I plan to use Docker at a later point to package our environment hopefully introducing this repo as a introduction to using the tech stack.

Tech Stack Used:


  • Back-End
  1. cd server folder & yarn install
  2. yarn prisma deploy (Choose demo server (demo-eu1 or demo-us1))
  3. yarn start
  4. navigate to http://localhost:4000/ to see GraphQL Playground for querying & mutations.
  • Front-End
  1. cd view folder & yarn install
  2. yarn start
  3. navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to see the Front-End client.


  • Update - 02/14/2019:

Here we will be implementing the Front-End aspect with ReactJS and Apollo. In the previous repo I worked on the Back-End first due to prior knowledge of Node.js and MongoDB. I eventually ran into problems of setting up due to outdated guides for the initial version of Apollo though.

For the Back-End to supply temporary data for usage & setup, we will be using a starter-server-package.

  • Update - 02/18/2019:

Here I have caught up with templating the Front-End part with ReactJS and Apollo. Next I will attempt to restructure the Back-End so I can write authentications matching the middleware added for the Front-End of our client.

Credits & Mentions:

Thanks for providing a great resource on getting started with Apollo and GraphQL!