
SAD(System Analysis and Design) course project in Tongji University SAD, 2022

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System Analysis and Design Project

This is the SAD course project in Tongji University SAD, 2022

Project Theme

This project mainly simulates the design process of a project called Pets' Caregiver, including:

  • Assignment 0: Project Background and Introduction
  • Assignment 1: Use Case Analysis
  • Assignment 2: System Architecture Analysis
  • Assignment 3: Design model improvement, Use Case implementation, prototype implementation, etc.


For me, in addition to understanding some concepts and methods of system analysis, the biggest gain of this course may be learning drawio and [StarUML](https:// staruml.io/) two good drawing software hh, and draft design hhh


The successful completion of this semester’s project is inseparable from the project idea provided by my npy, and at the same time, it is also inseparable from the capable team members, who can actively participate in online discussions, complete their respective parts carefully, and cooperate in time if there are changes. Thank you all here! Of course, the predecessors' SAD documents on GitHub also gave us a lot of reference and inspiration. Here are their links:


In order to protect the personal information of each team member, the document was re-edited before uploading, and all the places involving personal student numbers, names and other information were replaced with their respective GitHub account hyperlinks