
Strangers United - ETHGlobal Hackathon Project

We set out to create a chance of DeFi loan liquidation dApp that is powered by a new type of data oracle. We down scoped to a chance of hitting a price target dApp powered by chance-data to simulate the price ranges of a crypto assets for a given day.
Learn more about chance-data »

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Strangers United

Strangers United is a project made for the 2021's ETH Global Hackathon.


Smart contract

Folder structure

blockchain -- > oracle (nodejs server for oracle (OOFNode)) & smart-contract (whole contracts belong to the project)

Smart-Contract directory requirements:

1- npm install @openzeppelin/contracts


truffle compile


truffle migrate --network {networkName}

Get networkName from truffle-config.js

In this example, the networkName is development,

truffle migrate --network development


truffle migrate --reset


Prefer using Ganache, use this command if you don't have Ganache

truffle development



cd client

npm install


npm run start

Local block chain


Install Ganache npm install -g ganache-cli Run Ganache ganache-cli

Create a new workspace


Make sure the server of your Ganache workspace has the same config as truffle-config.js

  1. Hostname :
  2. Port number : 7545
  3. Network ID : 1337


Start by clicking the icon of Ganache

Creating chance-data

Python scripts

cd data-prep

python3 fitting-history.py

You will want to change the tokens to match those in your wallet. The current pipeline is a manual process. We will be able to automate this process in the future and have crowd sourced data for every possible combination of tokens. Chance-data is currently stored on IPFS using pinata.cloud but we will move this to GunDB in the near future.