
Small php CLI project

Primary LanguagePHP

Welcome to this little game project.

It is a CLI based game. You move yourself around with the arrow keys, zqsd/wasd, space. You cannot "move down", and moving up makes you jump. Space is a jump too. Escape exit the game.

The "config.php" file allows you to edit the way the map must be build, and how the game display. Check it, comments are explicite enough. It also provides more information about some features.

Levels can be freely created, named Level_01.txt, Level_02.txt ... up to Level_99.txt if you wish. There is an example of how a level is build. The screen's width is dictated by the first line's width. An empty line is regognized as filled with air. Anything that is not regognized as either start, end, block, or spike/hole, will be empty. There is no need to fill entire lines. If you have nothing more but air to fill in a line, just leave it empty.

Breaking the game with CTRL-C will hide your cursor. To quickly solve this, launch the game again and hit the escape key. Alternatively, enter this command : echo "\e[?25h"