
Dotfiles : i3-gaps, rounded corners and pywal themes !

Primary LanguageCSS


My dotfile repository containing everything needed for my i3 setup : i3-gaps, rounded corners and pywal themes ! I am currently using EndeavourOS (arch based) but it should work on other distro with minor modifications.

Desktop gif

What's in it?

  • WM: i3-gaps
  • Compositor: picom with rounded corners (ibhagwan's fork)
  • Terminal: Alacritty (Applications shown below are : vim, pipes.sh, thunar) launcher rofi
  • Notifications: Dunst
  • Launcher & Powermenu: Rofi launcher rofi powermenu
  • Status bar: polybar, with Nerd Fonts Hack
  • File manager: Thunar, with Nordic darker theme
  • Colors and theme management using pywal
  • Basic dotfiles :
    • i3 config file
    • .zshrc and .zshrc.d
    • .vimrc

Usage & Installation

For an easy way to install and use those dotfiles, please check ansible-dotfiles.


  • Wallpapers can be found in .config/wallpaper.
  • Font is DejaVuSans
  • Original resolution is 1440p but it should work with other resolutions (screenshots are 1080p)
  • I tweaked some generated pywal schemes in order to have better results, in order to keep those changes I added the .cache/wal/schemes folder.
  • This design is inspired by k-vernooy.