
Docker image for opcache-gui tool

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

opcache-gui docker

This Dockerfile lets you build and serve the awesome Opcache GUI application.

All credit for the application opcache-gui goes to https://github.com/amnuts.

This image was tested on opcache-gui:3.4.0

How does this work ?

This image creates the index.php for opcache-gui and start a Nginx server on port 80.

You only have three things to do to make it work :

  • Provide a valid REMOTE_PHPFPM_HOST and REMOTE_PHPFPM_PORT and build the image
  • Create a named volume to access the /app/index.php outside the container
  • Make the index.php accessible for your PHPFPM

Note : For the moment this only works with a PHPFPM inside a docker container.

How to use ?

1) Build the image locally

First of all, clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/BaptisteContreras/opcache-gui-docker.git

Then go into the cloned repo and build the image

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg REMOTE_PHPFPM_HOST= --build-arg REMOTE_PHPFPM_PORT=9000 -t opcache-gui .

Build arguments to provide :

  • REMOTE_PHPFPM_HOST : Is the host of the PHPFPM process. it can be a hostname, a container name or an IPV4 address.
  • REMOTE_PHPFPM_PORT : Is the port of the PHPFPM process. By default, it's set to 9000

2) Use the image with docker-composer

The easiest way to use this image is with a docker-compose file like so :

# docker-compose.yaml

version: '2'

    build: 'php:8.1-fpm-buster'
      - opcache-gui-shared:/opcache-gui

    image: 'opcache-gui:latest'
      - '8080:80'
      - opcache-gui-shared:/app

    external: false

Note : The PHPFPM container must mount the volume at /opcache-gui, otherwise it will not work, and you will have a 404 file not found error when browsing opcache-gui.

You can also notice that opcache-gui-share volume is mounted at /app in opcache-gui image.

In a docker-compose context, it's easier to refer to the PHPFPM container with its name : demo-phpfpm (this name is up to you, this one is in our example above). So during the build, the argument REMOTE_PHPFPM_HOST must be set to match this name.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --build-arg REMOTE_PHPFPM_HOST=demo-phpfpm --build-arg REMOTE_PHPFPM_PORT=9000 -t opcache-gui .