
A Quarkus reimplementation of the GameOn player service

Primary LanguageJava

Gameon Quarkus Player

Publish ReleaseDate GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub tag (latest by date)

A recreation of the GameOn Player service using Quarkus, rather than JEE.

Build instructions.

git clone https://github.com/BarDweller/gameon-quarkusplayer.git

If you have graalvm etc locally.. then ./mvnw clean package -Dnative

If you don't, and you have Docker (or podman), you can use.. ./mvnw clean package -Dnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true

Finally build the container using docker build -t gameontext/quarkus-player:1.0 -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native .

(or, if using RancherDesktop for testing.. ) nerdctl build --namespace k8s.io -t gameontext/quarkus-player:1.0 -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile.native . (if testing locally with gameon running in kube remotely, you can use kubectl port-forward service/couchdb 5984:5984 -n gameon-system and a COUCHDB_URL of http://localhost:5984 retrieve the COUCHDB_USER & COUCHDB_PASSWORD from the gameon global-config ConfigMap in the gameon-system namespace )


This app requires the following env vars to be set.

Env var Purpose
JWT_PUBLIC_CERT The pem certificate as a multiline env var (eg, ----BEGIN CERTIFICATE--- etc.. etc etc)
COUCHDB_USER userid to talk to couchdb
COUCHDB_PASSWORD password to talk to couchdb
COUCHDB_SERVICE_URL url to talk to couchdb
SYSTEM_ID the id to allow access to sensitive data with (probably dummy:dummy.AnonymousUser if testing locally)