
Project exploring buildpacks with k8s

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Table of Contents

How to build a runtime using buildpack

The goal of this project is to test/experiment different approaches to build a runtime using:

0. Common steps

To play with the different scenarios, a sample runtime project is available and can be cloned

git clone https://github.com/snowdrop/quarkus-tap-petclinic.git quarkus-petclinic && cd quarkus-petclinic

To use the builder image (packaging the build and run stacks) able to build a Quarkus project, then it is needed to use the quarkus-buildpacks project.

git clone https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus-buildpacks.git && cd quarkus-buildpacks

# Generate the buildpack quarkus images (build, run and builder)

NOTE: If you plan to use a private container registry, then the images generated should be tagged/pushed to the registry (e.g. local.registry:5000)

# Tag and push the images to the private docker registry
export REGISTRY_HOST="registry.local:5000"
docker tag redhat/buildpacks-builder-quarkus-jvm:latest ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-builder/quarkus:latest
docker tag redhat/buildpacks-stack-quarkus-run:jvm ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-buildpacks/quarkus:run
docker tag redhat/buildpacks-stack-quarkus-build:jvm ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-buildpacks/quarkus:build

docker push ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-builder/quarkus:latest
docker push ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-buildpacks/quarkus:build
docker push ${REGISTRY_HOST}/redhat-buildpacks/quarkus:run

You can create a kubernetes cluster locally using docker desktop and kind client and the following script able to run a k8s cluster, a TLS/secured registry

git clone https://github.com/snowdrop/k8s-infra.git && cd k8s-infra/kind

NOTE: The certificate generated is copied within the file $HOME/local-registry.crt and the user, password to be used to be authenticated with the registry are respectively admin and snowdrop

1. Pack client

The easiest way to build a runtime sample is to use the pack client with the builder runtime image

NOTE: The command should be executed within the sample runtime project or path should be calculated to point to the runtime sample project

pack build ${REGISTRY_HOST}/quarkus-petclinic \
     --path ./ \
     --builder ${REGISTRY_HOST}/buildpacks-builder-quarkus-jvm

If you plan to use a different version of the lifecycle, append then the following parameter with the image to be used:

    --lifecycle-image buildpacksio/lifecycle:919b8ad-linux-arm64

WARNING: Take care that the lifecycle-image parameter will only be used for analyze/restore/export and you would need to update the lifecycle in the builder image for it to be used for detect/build

NOTE: The builder.toml can include or not a section containing the version and/or uri of the lifecycle to be used (e.g version: 0.12.4 or uri: ). If both are omitted, lifecycle defaults to the version that was last released at the time of pack’s release. In other words, for a particular version of pack, this default will not change despite new lifecycle versions being released.

2. Pod running the lifecycle creator

First, create a configMap containing the selfsigned certificate of the docker registry under the namespace demo

kubectl create ns demo
kubectl create -n demo cm local-registry-cert --from-file $HOME/local-registry.crt

Create a secret containing the docker json cfg file with auths

export REGISTRY_HOST="registry.local:5000"
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-creds -n demo \
  --docker-server="${REGISTRY_HOST}" \
  --docker-username="admin" \

Next deploy the deployment resource able to perform a build using a runtime example (e.g. )

kubectl apply -f k8s/build-pod/manifest.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/build-pod/manifest.yml

Watch the progression of the build

kubectl -n demo logs -lapp=quarkus-petclinic-image-build -c build -f

3. Tekton and Pipeline as a Code



Shipwright and Buildpack v3

See project doc for more information - https://github.com/shipwright-io/build

WARNING: This scenario will not work for the moment due to several issues:

To use shipwright, it is needed to have a k8s cluster, tekton installed

kubectl apply --filename https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.25.0/release.
kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.28.1/release.yaml

Next, deploy the latest release of shipwright

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/shipwright-io/build/releases/download/v0.5.1/release.yaml

When done, we can create a secret, used by the serviceAccount of the build's pod to access the container registry

REGISTRY_HOST="registry.local:5000" REGISTRY_USER=admin REGISTRY_PASSWORD=snowdrop
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-creds -n demo \
  --docker-server="${REGISTRY_HOST}" \
  --docker-username="${REGISTRY_USER}" \

Install the serviceAccount that the build's pod will use (as we need to use an imagePullSecret consumming the registry secret):

kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/sa.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/sa.yml

Next, deploy the Buildpack strategy using the following CR

kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/buildstrategy-runtime.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/buildstrategy-runtime.yml

Create a Build object:

kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/build.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/build.yml

To view the Build which you just created:

kubectl get build -n demo                        
buildpack-quarkus-build   False        BuildStrategyNotFound   BuildStrategy       quarkus-buildpacks   174m

Submit your BuildRun:

kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/build-run.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/build-run.yml

Wait until your BuildRun is completed, and then you can view it as follows:

kubectl get buildruns -n demo
buildpack-quarkus-buildrun-1   Unknown     Pending   11s  

All steps

kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/sa.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/buildstrategy-runtime.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/build.yml
kubectl apply -f k8s/shipwright/build-run.yml

kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/sa.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/buildstrategy-runtime.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/build.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s/shipwright/build-run.yml