chadversary's android-ndk-rutabagas =================================== In this demo you will find not gems, but mere rutabagas. This repo currently contains only one demo, but I have more demos waiting to be pushed. This buggy demo decodes a video file with the AMedia APIs; imports the AHardwareBuffer from the decoded video frame into Vulkan using VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer; creates a VkSamplerYcbcrConversion to convert the AHardwareBuffer's YCbCr colorspace into RGB; copies the AHardwareBuffer into the VkSurface with a small shader and the VkSamplerYcbcrConversion. Bugs ---- - git grep -E 'FIXME|WORKAROUND|FINISHME' - The demo attempts to *smoothly* play the video, but instead it presents just a few choppy frames and then unexpectedly stops. Patches welcome. Build Dependencies ------------------ The Android NDK, of course. glslc: CMake must be able to find the 'glslc' executable. The easiest way to satisfy CMake is to put 'glslc' in your shell's $PATH. To build and install glslc: > git clone -b known-good ~/shaderc > cd ~/shaderc > ./ > cd src > cmake -G Ninja > ninja > sudo ninja install How to Build and Install ------------------------ > pkg='com.example.media_to_vk_ahb' > ./gradlew buildDebug > adb connect $REMOTE > ./gradlew installDebug > adb shell pm grant "$pkg" android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE How to Run ---------- > adb push /your/favorite/video.ext /sdcard/Download/ > adb logcat -c > adb shell am start -n "$pkg/" \ -e mediaSrc /sdcard/Download/video.ext > adb logcat -v color If the activity dies early with a log message like "Vulkan does not have device extension VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign" then edit the #ifdef found by `git grep 'WORKAROUND: VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign'`. The activity accepts the following optional key/value pairs: -e useVkExternalFormat (auto|never|always) # default=auto Control if the AHardwareBuffer is imported with VkExternalFormatANDROID. If useVkExternalFormat=never but the AHardwareBuffer requires an external format, then the activity will abort with a diagnostic log message. -e useVkValidation (true|false) # default=true Enable the Vulkan validation layers.