
Sandbox for Android NDK demos

Primary LanguageC

chadversary's android-ndk-rutabagas
In this demo you will find not gems, but mere rutabagas.

This repo currently contains only one demo, but I have more demos waiting to be

This buggy demo decodes a video file with the AMedia APIs; imports the
AHardwareBuffer from the decoded video frame into Vulkan using
VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer; creates
a VkSamplerYcbcrConversion to convert the AHardwareBuffer's YCbCr colorspace
into RGB; copies the AHardwareBuffer into the VkSurface with a small shader and
the VkSamplerYcbcrConversion.

- The demo attempts to *smoothly* play the video, but instead it presents just
  a few choppy frames and then unexpectedly stops. Patches welcome.

Build Dependencies
The Android NDK, of course.

    CMake must be able to find the 'glslc' executable. The easiest way to
    satisfy CMake is to put 'glslc' in your shell's $PATH.

    To build and install glslc:
        > git clone -b known-good https://github.com/google/shaderc ~/shaderc
        > cd ~/shaderc
        > ./update_shaderc_sources.py
        > cd src
        > cmake -G Ninja
        > ninja
        > sudo ninja install

How to Build and Install
> pkg='com.example.media_to_vk_ahb'
> ./gradlew buildDebug
> adb connect $REMOTE
> ./gradlew installDebug
> adb shell pm grant "$pkg" android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

How to Run
> adb push /your/favorite/video.ext /sdcard/Download/
> adb logcat -c
> adb shell am start -n "$pkg/android.app.NativeActivity" \
                     -e mediaSrc /sdcard/Download/video.ext
> adb logcat -v color

If the activity dies early with a log message like
    "Vulkan does not have device extension VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign"
then edit the #ifdef found by `git grep 'WORKAROUND: VK_EXT_queue_family_foreign'`.

The activity accepts the following optional key/value pairs:

    -e useVkExternalFormat (auto|never|always) # default=auto
        Control if the AHardwareBuffer is imported with
        VkExternalFormatANDROID. If useVkExternalFormat=never but the
        AHardwareBuffer requires an external format, then the activity will
        abort with a diagnostic log message.

    -e useVkValidation (true|false) # default=true
        Enable the Vulkan validation layers.