
A minimal server and sketch to get ok sound with one or many esp32+speakers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ESP32 custom wireless speaker

A minimal server and sketch to get ok sound with one or many esp32+speakers

Much thanks to julianfschroeter for providing the java version of this project


  1. An esp32 dev board
  2. A mini speaker
  3. Mini amplifier
  4. Arduino IDE
  5. Setup Arduino IDE for esp32
  6. Node JS


git clone espmusic
cd espmusic
  1. Create a formatted wav file:
ffmpeg -i <input_file> -ar 32000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_u8 <output_file.wav>
  1. Get your ip address: open a terminal and type ifconfig or ipconfig and it will probably be near the word "inet"
  2. Replace the wifi, password, and tcp_server in the arduino sketch
  3. Replace PATH with the path to your <example.wav> file in index.js
  4. Launch the music server, and upload the arduino sketch
node index.js #Launch the music server