
I/O blocking and non-blocking server examples

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


I/O blocking and non-blocking server examples

Blocking I/O Servers

With blocking I/O, when a client makes a request to connect with the server, the thread that handles that connection is blocked until there is some data to read, or the data is fully written. Until the relevant operation is complete that thread can do nothing else but wait. Now to fulfill concurrent requests with this approach we need to have multiple threads, that is we need to allocate a new thread for each client connection.

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Non-blocking I/O Servers

With non-blocking I/O, we can use a single thread to handle multiple concurrent connections. Java NIO has a class called “Selector” that allows a single thread to examine I/O events on multiple channels. That is, this selector can check the readiness of a channel for operations, such as reading and writing. Now remember different channels can be registered with a “Selector” object and you can specify which operations you are interested in observing and a another thing to remember is that each of these channels are assigned a separate “SelectionKey” which serve as a pointer to a channel.

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