
Парсер спортивного сайта championat.com

Primary LanguagePython

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Project description

This repository contains files of my small project - parser of championat.com, which publishes sports news.

After starting the parser you will be prompted to choose the type of sport and the number of pages with news, that you want to extract from the site.

As a result a one json file that contains information about each news (namely, its title, a link to it, the number of comments, tag, and publication date).

This project uses Python libraries (version 3.7) such as:

  • BeautifulSoup4
  • lxml
  • requests
  • json
  • pathlib
  • selenium
  • asyncio
  • aiohttp

Altogether there are 3 branches available, with different versions of the parser: based on the library requests, selenium and aiohttp. The requests and aiohttp based version parses several pages, the selenium version parses a certain page.

How to use

Clone or fork the repository, then open it in PyCharm (or terminal) and enter the command to run the script:

python championat_parser.py //run the requests based version
python championat_parser_selenium.py //run the selenium based version (read additional information in the next section)
python championat_parser_async.py //run the async based version

If it doesn't work, try these corresponding commands:

python3 championat_parser.py
python3 championat_parser_selenium.py
python3 championat_parser_async.py

That's all, at the end of the script work you will get json file contains all information of the recent sport news!


The script championat_parser.py has a break after each iteration (iterates through the news pages):

sleep(random.randint(2, 4)) //pauses the script from 2 to 4 seconds (in random order) 

Remove the call to this function if you don't need to pause between iterations.

If you want to use the selenium version, you need to have Google Chrome version 96.0.4664.45, or you will need to change the driver file (chromedriver.exe) to your (here you can download any version of Chrome). You do not need to change the name of the driver file.

Also don't create any custom folders or files in data folder: the next time you run the script, all content of the data directory will be rewrited, i.e. the folder will be cleared for the next placement of fresh html files.