
To run this App you need to have Xcode 12.1

This app include CocoaPods:

  • Alamofire – for server requests
  • SnapKit – for layout
  • Nuke – for image loading
  • RxSwift and RxCocoa – for data binding
  • AnimatedGradientView – to have beautiful gradeint
  • FittedSheets – for better screen presentation (bottom pop up)

All AR things done via native tools

Server Side and ML model stored here

Subscriptions dataset:

To run AR demo you need:

  1. Download project
  2. Use your own signing
  3. Install app on device that supports iOS 14 or iOS 13 (last version haven't been tested on iOS 13)
  4. Open AR part
  5. Download following image:
  6. Open this image (for example on computer) or print it
  7. Point the camera to this image