Simple Chip8 emulator written in Rust
fish_n_chip [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <rom_filepath>
-g, --gradient-colors Enable gradient coloring of pixels
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-c, --clock-rate <clock_rate> Clock rate of the cpu in Hz [default: 1000]
-f, --framerate <framerate> framerate in frame per second [default: 60]
-v, --frequence <frequency> Choose frequency for the beep [default: 553.0]
<rom_filepath> Filepath to ROM
This Chip8 is a simple project I started to learn Rust. There is probably a better way to design it but I quite enjoy doing this project.
I've been able to achieve this using mostly cowgod's technical documentation as well as a few inspiration from projects in C and Rust all over github.