
Semantic Segmentation Metrics Functions on pytorch.[Currently for PASCAL VOC 2012, easily expandable]

Primary LanguagePython

Semantic Segmentation Metrics on Pytorch

Metrics used:

  • Pixel Accuracy
  • mean Accuracy(of per-class pixel accuracy)
  • mean IOU(of per-class Mean IOU)
  • Frequency weighted IOU

For more information, kindly refer Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation


Convert .mat files to .png files


python demo.py convert_prediction predict_loc id_file

Convert Pascal VOC Validation filesfrom 3d-color to 2d-class-id .png format


python demo.py convert_gt gt_loc id_file

Calculate the metrics


python demo.py find_metrics predict_path gt_path id_file [--options]


  • utils.py: contains functions.
  • demo.py: contains a brief demo of how to use the functions.[use demo.py -h]


A few parts have been adopted from the code present in martinkersner/py_img_seg_eval. Although the formulations are slightly wrong, it was very helpful.

Also, a big thanks to Video Analytics Lab.