
Starter Kit for using Marching Primitives for the Visual Shape Inference Challenge

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT

VSIC 2024: Marching Primitive Starter Kit

The repository adds a small wrapper on the marching-primitives codebase released by the authors for the Visual Shape Inference Challenge.


  1. Download the dataset from 3DCoMPaT repository. Unzip the 3DCoMPaT dataset to get the .gtlf mesh files.
  2. Download the vsic_split.json from the vsic repository.
  3. Run the run_mps.py script with the relevant args (or change the DATA_DIR and SPLIT_FILE variables on the top of the script). This will run the system on all the shapes in the test split. The output will be saved as final_expressions.pkl. This file can be submitted to the evaluation server directly.
  4. You can also launch multiple jobs with run_mps_parallel.py --n-jobs 12 --proc-id n. This will save multiple files final_expressions_{proc-id}.pkl which need to be combined together to create the final submission file.