The assessment consists of an API to be used for opening a new “current account” of already existing customers.
- The API will expose an endpoint which accepts the customer information (customerID, initialCredit).
- Once the endpoint is called, a new account will be opened connected to the customer whose ID is customerID.
- Also, if initialCredit is not 0, a transaction will be sent to the new account.
- Another Endpoint will output the customer information showing Name, Surname, balance, and transactions of the accounts.
- Accounts and Transactions are different services.
- Frontend (simple one is OK).
- Attention to CI/CD
- Java v11
- Spring Boot v2.7.5
- Spring Data JPA
- H2 in memory database
- Docker
- Junit
- Restfull Api
- Maven Project
- Jenknins CI/CD
- Lombok (Additional Library)
The application has 2 apis
- AccountAPI
- CustomerAPI
POST api/v1/createAccount - Creates a new account for an existing customer.
GET api/v1/customer?surname - Retrieves an existing customer with all transactions.
GET api/v1/customers - Retrieves all customers.
The repository can be dowloaded via command line:
git clone
In order to clean and install the Maven repository dependencies.
mvn clean install
In order to run all test cases of this application.
mvn test
To execute the project via command line and execute the command
mvn spring-boot:run
Changing the server port from 8080 (Default) to 8081. It is needed to change the file as :
Setting the memory database H2 (In our case)
# Memory Database for development Environment
The application is constructed as :
Controller Layer --> Service Layer --> DTO/Mapper Layer --> Repository Layer
It is possible to deploy and run the application via docker container.
FROM openjdk:11.0.15-slim
ADD target/spring-boot-application-docker.jar spring-boot-application-docker.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "/spring-boot-application-docker.jar"]
In order to build the docker image. This command is needed.
docker build -t spring-boot-application-docker.jar .
This image shows the image which has been created after the command.
Moreover, to run the container into a specific port this command is needed.
docker run -p 9090:8081 spring-boot-application-docker.jar
The coverage's percentage of the unit tests is 96%.
This application has a local CI/CD pipeline from Jenkins. The file which creates the stages.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
steps {
sh './mvnw clean install -DskipTests'
steps {
sh './mvnw test'
As the below image can shows. The stages of the application.