
The ELK stack powered by Docker and Docker-compose

Primary LanguageShell

Docker ELK stack

This docker receipe is mainly inspired by deviantony but fixes issue on Mac OSX about access denied when persistent storage is enabled for elasticseach (see bug docker-library/elasticsearch/issues/51) by using a workaround and not dropping root privileges :

[2015-09-03 17:37:12,223][INFO ][node                     ] [Vidar] version[1.7.1], pid[1], build[b88f43f/2015-07-29T09:54:16Z]
[2015-09-03 17:37:12,223][INFO ][node                     ] [Vidar] initializing ...
[2015-09-03 17:37:12,285][INFO ][plugins                  ] [Vidar] loaded [], sites []
{1.7.1}: Initialization Failed ...
- ElasticsearchIllegalStateException[Failed to created node environment]

Run the ELK (Elasticseach, Logstash, Kibana) stack with Docker and Docker-compose.

It will give you the ability to quickly test your logstash filters and check how the data can be processed in Kibana.

Based on the official images:



  1. Install Docker

  2. Clone this repository


Start the ELK stack using docker-compose:

$ docker-compose up

You can also choose to run it in background (detached mode):

$ docker-compose up -d

Now that the stack is running, you'll want to inject logs in it. The shipped logstash configuration allows you to send content via tcp:

$ nc localhost 5000 < /path/to/logfile.log

And then access Kibana UI by hitting http://localhost:5601 with a web browser.

By default, the stack exposes the following ports:

WARNING: If you're using Docker Toolbox, you must access it via the docker-machine IP address instead of localhost.


NOTE: Configuration is not dynamically reloaded, you will need to restart the stack after any change in the configuration of a component.

How can I tune Kibana configuration?

The Kibana default configuration is stored in kibana/config/kibana.yml.

How can I tune Logstash configuration?

The logstash configuration is stored in logstash/config/logstash.conf.

How can I tune Elasticsearch configuration?

The Elasticsearch container is using the shipped configuration and it is not exposed by default.

If you want to override the default configuration, create a file elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml and add your configuration in it.

Then, you'll need to map your configuration file inside the container in the docker-compose.yml. Update the elasticsearch container declaration to:

     build: elasticsearch/
        - ./elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
     command: elasticsearch 
        - "9200:9200"
        - "9300:9300"


How can I store Elasticsearch data?

In order to persist Elasticsearch data, you'll have to mount a volume on your Docker host. Update the elasticsearch container declaration to:

     build: elasticsearch/
        - /path/to/storage:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
     command: elasticsearch 
        - "9200:9200"
        - "9300:9300"

This will store elasticsearch data inside /path/to/storage. By default in the compose file /path/to/storage is mapped to ./elasticsearch/data