
Programmable XBee Blink Led project that can be built under Linux or Mac OS X. Meant to be used as a boilerplate for new projects.

Primary LanguageC


Programmable XBee Blink Led project that can be built under Linux or Mac OS X. Meant to be used as a boilerplate for new projects without running CodeWarrior.

Getting Started

Linux 32bit


Linux 64bit

You need to install 32bit compatibility. For example in Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6

Verify that the compiler is able to execute:

./hc08c/bin/chc08 -Lic

You should be able to compile the project:


Mac OS X

As the project depends on the Linux 32bit compiler/linker, the OS X compatibility is achieved through Docker. You need to have a working Docker installation prior to building this project. To get started, download Docker. After you have a working Docker environment (you can successfully run: docker version). You can build the compiler image included in this project:

make builddocker

After this you can compile the project by executing:

make dall


The expected outcome of the compiler and linker will be an .abs file that is input to the burner that will generate the final application binary obj/blink_led.bin and in Motorola format application coupled with the bootloader obj/blink_led.s19. Use these files to test the application on hardware.

The application will blink a LED connected to pin 7 with 125ms interval.


make clean

Taking it forward

  • include/xbee_config.h - This is the Programmable XBEE Project settings
  • src/main.c - The main() loop


Source files include a header of copyright and license.

Includes the full Digi XBee SDK version 1.6.0 sources (latest at the time of commit).

Includes the necessary build binaries:

HI-CROSS+ ANSI-C Compiler for HC08 V-5.0.39, Dec 13 2011
HI-CROSS+ SmartLinker V-5.0.48, Dec 13 2011
HI-CROSS+ Burner V-5.0.16, Dec 13 2011
(c) Copyright Freescale 1987-2010